I suck in as much air as my lungs allow and decide to tell him what is really on my mind.

"The truth is that I am confused. I don't know what I feel sometimes and my mind seems to be playing tricks on me. I can't feel our bond like i used to and I can't even understand what my emotions are anymore." I confess in a fast paced outburst.

Alex takes a small breath in and locks eyes with me before delivering his response.

"Part of becoming a vampire means that your body, as well as your mind, goes through some dramatic changes. All of your hormones, and most of what makes your mind tick, are changing to adapt to your new way of life and this throws off your emotions. Sometimes you find that something you once loved as a human you now hate as a vampire." I can hear the defeat in his voice as he explains what no one else chose to. This must be what he thinks is happening to me.

"That's not what this is. I still love you with every inch of my being. It's just that sometimes a rush of emotion flows through me and I don't understand it. It's like it's a foreign language or something. I'm just struggling is all."

My honest response brings an honest smile to his face but his fatigue is still weighing on him.

"I do love you Alex. I swear on my life. I just feel so different. I don't feel like me anymore and I've been a little scared to tell you the truth."

I choose not to divulge that i am also hallucinating and dreaming about Cail so not to upset him. Or maybe it's so i don't have to relive the thoughts. Either way, i keep that knowledge locked away. It needs to stay hidden right now.

"Don't ever think that you can't tell me what you are feeling. I have gone through this all before, remember? I want to help you as much as I can so that when I get out of this cage, you and I can leave and never look back." Malice taints his words as he speaks of escape and I find myself wishing that we could leave this place right now.

"We need to get out of here, Alex. As soon as we can." I implore knowing all too well that it will be an almost impossible task from within these walls.

"I know, Evie. And I'm trying my hardest to come up with something but everyone is too afraid of Cail to even think about helping me right now. They don't want to be locked in here with me if they get caught trying to help me escape. I have many friends and allies but none are willing to take such a huge risk right now. Not when Cail is on such a war path for vengence."

Resentment towards Cail begins to grow inside me at the sound of his name. Everything that has gone wrong in our life is because of Cail.

Alex is locked up like an animal at a zoo because of Cail. I am a vampire because of Cail. The thought that we would be better off if Cail were dead is deafening. Not only us, but the world would be better off.

Trying to contain my growing rage I lock eyes with Alex.

"I know what needs to happen." I say with utmost certainty as Alex raises an eyebrow.

"And what is that?"

Worry and concern grows across Alex's face as he inches closer toward the fence dividing us.

"Cail needs to die."

The air between us is still and filled with concern as Alex eyes me cautiously.

"Evie, you're not going to do anything stupid are you?"

I barely hear Alex's question over the plans being made and decided on in my mind. I already have it figured out in my mind. Cail will die today.

I turn to leave without saying another word but I don't even get two steps before Alex is calling out after me.

"Evie, where are you going?"

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