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I've never had so much food in my life. Yes I would see it in the vendor's supply but I'd never actually be able to pay for it. By the time I had finished it was 8 pm. and I didn't know when I woke up. 

A knock came from my front door and I answered it. 

"Well, it's good that your still up. I would like to come in please."  Jasper asked with a forced smile. 

"Sure." I opened the door wider and he stepped in with two others.

They looked very intimidating and held a predator aura about them. They looked like bounces from one of the few clubs I had been to around larger settlements. You know, big, clean shaven, muscular, intimidating. That's what they looked like.

Jasper took a seat at the table and so did one of his guard guys did too, the other crossed his arms and remained standing.  I took a seat across from them, putting my hands on the table to look less like a bad guy.

"We are glad to have you here but we need to see some ID or something else to prove that you are who you say you are." Jasper asked and all I could give him was a blank stare.

"Look, if I had any ID on me or if I even had some I would let you know. Trust me. However, they don't have any forms of ID after the next oh.... about 260ish years." I answered truthfully. 

"Fine, have a good night. I do want to see you in my office in the morning. It's in the pa- main building on the third floor, can't miss it." Jasper got up and left taking both his guards with him.

'Maybe this house has some clues as to what they are hiding.' I thought as the door shut.

after 3 hours of looking and a check up from the doctor, all I could find was a book on werewolves and vampires. Kind of lame if you ask me.

From my previous experience shifters had all but died out when the bombs went off and the mutating rads took away the ability or changed them into something else. The few who got into vaults did well but inbreeding for 200 years in a limited gene pool changed them as well.

It was easily 8:30 at night when I quit searching.  I looked at my new bed. It was too comfortable. too new. I went to take a shower and noticed that the scales growing on my fingers had spread to my writs. Shiny green and white scales. 

I hid my mininuke inside of the room's floor as to have it for safe keeping and I went back to the master bedroom. 

Around 12 sleep finally came to me. But just after seeing a deathclaw in the corner of the room.

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