The Mission

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 The flash of red in my peripheral makes my arms tense and my knees bend slightly, preparing for an attack. When nothing happens, I turn to see the flash again. It's higher than it was the first time, and, looking for the bright color, I spot a red flag with a crest.

Great, I have been here all of 15 seconds and I'm already paranoid.

Then there was a shift in the air behind me, causing me to duck and, judging the height in which the air shift occurred, swing towards my attacker's solar plexus.

I stop just before making contact, recognizing the teal shirt of the broad male behind me. Looking up into his light brown eyes, I see a sheepish expression written all over his face.

"That was almost a big mistake."

Resden blinks before chuckling at my comment. "Yeah, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you like that. I thought you heard me, but I guess not."

"I'm not feeling all that prepared for this mission, so I was a bit distracted, but I'm all good now. However, I don't really want to deal with these pricks. Oh! Shit. I meant these royal Angelbloods. Or royal anything for that matter." My comment makes Res bend in half with laughter, especially after the looks that I get for said comment. Add in the dry tone, and you've got yourself a chest-heaving laugh that makes Res fall all over himself. Glad someone's amused here.

Once he composes himself, he stands back up to his impressive over-6-foot height. Brushing his fingers through his shaggy brown hair, he responds with "We'll be fine. Just keep your sassy mouth shut, and they should leave you alone." With that, he winks and takes my arm, dragging me towards the building.

During our approach, I take the time to actually notice our surroundings. It's a pretty normal looking campus, from the outside. The main building has 4 stories, is made of brick, and is complete with a stark white staircase leading up to the front doors. The grass is green, and the trees look like they belong in some enchanted forest. With all of the Fae here, it makes total sense.

There are different buildings spread out across the grounds, each having a different purpose than the last. All in all, it looks like a regular school, for regular, non-royal people.

Wonder where all of that money is going towards.

The most impressive part of the grounds is the way that they placed twin pine trees on either side of the staircase, making the entrance look like some magical entry to another dimension. And it is, just not a fun one.

Looks like and sounds like a portal to hell, to me. You can change the name to whatever you want, but it doesn't change what it is. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like one, too, why would you call it anything other than a duck?

A building full of self-righteous higher-ups doesn't sound appealing, not to mention all the 'Alpha' males present, both literally and figuratively. Add in the horrid fact where I have to be here, and you've got one big nightmare.

Like I said before, though, it looks pretty normal. Not hellish or straight-out-of-a-nightmare in any way. For normal people.

But looks can be, and usually are, deceiving. This is a school for all of the princes and princesses of all of the species. They usually have to attend a school similar to this one in order for their people to believe that they are ready to take the lead. They come here after they have finished their schooling elsewhere.

For example, the wolves have to attend an academy that offers things like weapons training, abilities training, and learning how to fight in both forms, Fae have to learn how to harness their abilities, in both normal and combat settings, the witches have to learn the most basic of spells; and so on and so forth.

Then they come here to learn how to lead, and not be a total dick to their people. Not that it works.

Speeding up my pace, ready to just get my schedule and get away from the stares, I drag Res behind me.

The sooner we start, the sooner it will be over.


"Damn it, Zin! Would you slow the frick down?" Resden demands as he continues to almost fall on his face as I drag him along behind me.

"Aw, would that make you happy?" I say, throwing a sickly-sweet smile over my left shoulder.

"Yes," he states, already sounding tired, like he already knows my answer.

"Then, no. I refuse." I couldn't resist. I turn back around and go faster, rather than slower.

"Sassy little-"

"Don't even start," I warn.

"Fine." He draws the word out, after giving a sigh.

"Why are we here again?" I ask as I take notice of all the stares I'm receiving. They range from curiosity to blank, and all the way to disgust. Oh, I love it here already.

"To protect these weak, privileged kids from the big, bad wolf," Res pants in a sarcastic manner as he tries to keep up with my quick pace.

"Well then, Mr. Snark, what else are we going to do today, hmm? Bring poor, old Granny some fruit, or whatever it was that she brought? Or are we going to save the galaxy from Darth Vader? I personally vote for the latter, that will get me even farther away from here than the former," I reply dryly as we reach the top of the stairs leading to the front doors. I let go of his hand, allowing him to bend over and breathe.

"Ugh, this is going to be a long year," Res sighs as he brushes his now free hand through his hair.

"Yes. Yes, it is, my child."

"I'm older than you," Res states as he reaches for the gold handle on the door.

I give him a blank look, expressing my disappointment. That was weak. "That all you got?"

He gives me a dry look as he pulls the door open, gesturing with his other hand for me to go ahead of him. "Just go in the frickin' building, woman!"

What a gentleman.

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