The fuck is wrong with you people

Comenzar desde el principio

After we were done eating, I went over to the couch and started reading Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause. It's a really good book to read and pass the time with. Even though I'm on chapter four. Before I even got to chapter five I passed out. Like I said earlier it's hard to ever actually get to sleep due to a small version of insomnia. My adoptive family knows about it so they let me sleep as long as I can. Sometimes a day in a half. New record anyone? I can stay up three days at a time before collapsing. Did that at school once. Wasn't very fun being stepped on like trash.

 Sometime in the middle of the night, I know that I somehow managed to get under the couch and went back to sleep after that. I have no actual idea how I did that.

early morning/middle of night about 2

'Proxies please come to my office NOW.' Slender mind messages us. You get used to it after awhile, but dammit I was finally about to go sleeping.
I get up and went to go see what the pale asswhole wants, I'm kinda stumbling and twitching, almost falling on my ass .I have to go somewhere stupid and I don't want to. Some days I hate being a proxy. I remember when I first came and I was given to BEN as a pet.  I shudder at the memory. Just why. Sick motherfucker probably thought it would be funny with me doubling as his proxy.I enter Slender's office.
"You're late."Slender scolds.
I snapped,"Well I was trying sleep so get over it. Pale ass."
"I would watch your mouth if I was you." Bryan tries to warn me but I just got angry. Obviously sleep deprived. Honestly who isn't?
"Does it look like I give a fuck. I bet you would be grumpy too, if you had to wake up from your nap."
Slender yells at us," Boys stop bickering for once and listen up for your next mission! Then after your done, you can go back to what you were doing." 

We stopped and waited for his next few words," Now your next mission is to go to the town in the south of the forest. I want you to take out the Smith family but capture the eldest daughter. She'll be serving great use to me." 
Timothy decides now would be a great time to ask a million dollar question,"So why exactly do we have to kill this family?"

Slender explains even though he doesn't have to," The father is investigating past cases of our fellow monster's murders. The mother is collecting evidence to try to find us and have us captured. The children are learning how to track and kill monsters and demons from the top Hunter as their mentor.  The eldest daughter, however, is not interested in the rest of her family. Always so bored with her family and always so angry. In other words, the family is a bunch of bounty hunters in the simplest terms i am going to give you."
"So kill a whole bunch of bounty hunters that calls themselves family and kidnap the eldest. Right?"
Masky looks at me,"That's what he just said moron."
I sighed boredly," Alright let's go and get this over with." flipping my hatchet around in my hand.

Middle of the night on their way to the Smith household....

So we arrived at a blue two-story house. I loath climbing but I have to. I climbed into the open window. It's still summer and it's a nice temperature right now considering I am wearing a hoodie.. Masky and Hoodie found out that the front door was unlocked and didn't tell me. Fucky asswholes. Masky went to into the basement to kill the parents, Hoodie went to kill the kids upstairs. I helped of course they didn't get a chance to scream. Couldn't afford that chance.. I killed a boy and what looks like a crossed eyed seven-year-old little girl. Of course they beg for their lives and screamed for their elder sister's name. Was it Samara, Sammy, Sam...or was it Samantha? My task is to find the eldest. 

She has light brown hair and hazel greenish eyes. She also has pale skin and goes by the name Samantha I think. That's what I saw from the picture Hoodie showed Masky and I since he was tasked with stalking them. The name though sounds familiar to me. Maybe it's her from my dream, but then again Samantha something  is a common name. I looked everywhere and couldn't find her within her room. Where the fuck is she? Dumbass couldn't even bother staying in her bed.
"Did you find her?" Masky asks.
"Nope, maybe she is at a friend's house dumbass?" I questioned.

"She doesn't have friends. Maybe we should camp out and wait?"  Hoodie suggests in his weird way.
"Fine, but I'm leaving now to go update Slenderman. Behave yourselves." Masky scolds. Sometimes we get along and other times we don't. It's an odd relationship here. I walked over to the couch and passed out on the arm of the couch. Good thing was that there were no dreams for me tonight.

I wake up and it's still night out and I looked at the digital clock they had in the living room. It reads 4:23 A.M. I felt vibrations coming from underneath the couch and a voice said ow when a thunk had happened before hand.
It sounded like a girl. I think it's the girl that we were looking for. God, I feel like an idiot. Why was she sleeping underneath the couch? Wait why was she even under the couch and not in a bed.
"Why did I say ow? I can't feel pain. I'm such a dumbass or I just got too used to seeing others hurt themselves on the door frame. Or something like that. Great, now I'm the crazy one. I'm talking to myself now."she mutters under her breath.

She tries to crawl out from under the couch. She only manages to get her head out after managing to lift the couch slightly. She looks at me and says," Who the fuck are you?"

"Who the fuck are you?" I mock her, "Looks like you're stuck." I smirked.

"Well no dip." She says as she rolls her eyes and continues on trying to wiggle out.

"Did the girl come home yet?" Masky asks when he snuck back into the building.
"Am I the said girl currently stuck underneath the couch?" She asks dumbly.

"Seriously you just found her now. Complete dumbass. Knock her out already." Masky quietly as he can yells and growls at the same time.
"Doesn't that make you a dumbass too. " I point out. Masky Knowing I'm right growls. I smiled pridefully. Then the girl yells out,"Wait hold up I heard something different. I heard knock her up already. So clear that up for me, please."  She clearly has hearing problems or is pulling a joke. I really hope for the latter.
Hoodie states," We are simply  going to knock. You. Out, so you don't try escaping." He raises his foot, before she was knocked out she managed to replies,"Says the simp." and he kicks her head hard with his boot, knocking her out cold.

Hoodie looks at me knowing I'm about to laugh," Shut up."

Edited 21 August 2020 

Re-edited 29 October 2020

When you can't sleep and you feel like typing. Yay me. *Little side to side hand motion.*

Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause-This is an actual story. I recommend you reading it. There's a audiobook on Audible, local library, and school library maybe. Look up the summary if you're curious on what's it about.

Panther and Selenium's Worker *Rewrite*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora