The fuck is wrong with you people

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I wake up from my dream memory thing. I still had that question running around my skull.
Do I know her? Who is she actually to me? I got up,got dressed in freashed clothes,and went to Slender's office for our report. The other two proxies stared straight at the well dressed pale creature in front of me.
"Boys,since Tobias is here, do you have anything to report to me?" He says sitting at his abnormally tall desk.
Masky curtly nods," Yes we do sir. Today we found one of your notes had blood written on top of the original writing. It said 'do you remember me, brother?'"
" Who do you think it might be?" Slender questions us.
"We think it's possible that it is Jeff's brother, Homicidal Liu." Hoodie says like he already knew the answer.
"Sir to be completely honest. I think that it was by somebody else. Liu and Jeff are well aware of each other." I stated.
" Unfortunately for you two, I happen to agree with Tobias. I don't believe it's Liu Woods however this is something to look into." Slender back down to his paperwork in front of him. What does he even do to need paperwork.

"Sir I asked you repeatedly don't call me that please."I tired to politely tell the boss.
Masky growls lowly from his spot,"Who cares."

I growl back and bare my teeth underneath my mouth guard," Shut up Timothy."

"Shut the fuck up brat." He snaps back. Then we went further into actually insulting one another.

We went like this back and forth for a few minutes before Slender got angry at the noise, breaking his concentration and calmly as can be,tell us," How about we listen to the sound of silence., It's quite pleasing and please leave. Also keep a lookout for any clues about this mysterious vandal. I want them found and punished.Do as you please to her before hand."

Few days later

"Samantha it's time for dinner! Wake up lazy bones." Rosalie yells jumping on me, waking me.
I flutter one of my eyes open and groan while having one eye glaring at my youngest sister,"Alright, alright! How many times do I need to tell you to stop calling me Samantha. It's Sam." My voice coming out groggily and quiet. 

My other blonde sister, who is by the way only a couple of years older than Rosalie, leans against my doorway pissing me off more than the fact they woke me up. Just with her attitude towards me.

"Whatever just get up." The more blonder girl,Kayla,rolls her eyes.

Why does she have to act like a teen already? She not even that old yet. Sassy lil shit. Fine if she wants to act like an ass then I will too.

I fake cry out," Stop being so mean to me." I pout. I did try to attempt to whine.
"Stop being an overdramatic drama queen. We already have one of those." My half-blooded brother Nathaniel says. Besides being one of my adopted siblings, he's a greek half-blood. He knows that I already knows what he does but no one else knows what I know. Wait one bloody minute. Why do all these kids love coming into my room? I should really lock my door, but I'm not allowed to.

"Hey I ain't no drama queen. My life already has more drama that a van full of drag queens."

Yet another sister of mine, only a couple of years younger than me walks in saying,"Sure you are." She drawls out. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY FEMALES IN THIS HOUSE. I now see why Mrs.Smith adopted a son. She keeps having girls.

"F-fuck you Al-alexand-ria." I really don't like that sibling. Never have. Never will and you can't make me.

We get up and head towards the dining room and sit down to eat. Of course at our table we curse and make stupid jokes knowing the younger ones won't understand them well until they mentally become older. Rosalie kinda understands what we say most of the time. She does ask what some words are. Meanwhile with Alexa, everything just flies over her head and sometimes literally too. Like fuck I'm a shit thrower.

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