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I turned around and saw the boy I bumped into earlier.

He looked at me, shock evident on his face.

"Hi." He says, smiling.
"Hey." I smiled.

He sat down next to me.

"Do you guys know each other?" Mikey asked.

"No, not really. I bumped into her earlier today." He said.
"Ah, okay." Mikey said.

"Anyways, Jessie, Bella, this is Brooklyn. Brooklyn, Jessie and Bella." Jack said.
"Nice to meet you guys." Brooklyn said.
"Nice to meet you too." They replied.

"So, Brook, we ordered already. Did you want pizza and a coke?" Andy asked.
"Okay, we ordered you that."

Then we fell into silence.

"So, where are you girls from?" Rye asked.
"I'm from around here in California." Bella replied.
"Michigan." Jessie said.
"Maryland." I said.

"Where are you guys from?" I asked the boys looking around at them.
"We're all from the UK except for Jack." Rye said.
"Yes, I am from Ireland." Jack said smiling.

"Here are your orders." The waitress said placing our food down.
"Thank you." We all said thanking her.

We started eating when Rye made a joke. Everyone started laughing, these guys are pretty cool...
It was 7 o'clock pm when we all started getting ready to leave.
"We're all going back to our flat. Do you girls want to come hang out with us?" Mikey asked.
"Yeah, sure. I'm down!" Bella said.
Andy smiled.

"I'll come!" Jessie said.
Mikey smiled.

"I would come, but I have to meet up with someone. I'm sorry." I said.
"Aw." Brooklyn said pouting.

"Please come!" Rye said.
"I can't, I'm sorry."
Then, they all started begging.

"Okay, how about tomorrow. We can hang out tomorrow. I really have to go." I said.
They all sighed.
"Okay, we will pick you up tomorrow at one." Jack said nodding.
"Okay. I'll see you guys later than. Jess, B, I won't be at home when you guys come back." I hugged them and walked to my car.

I opened my car door when Brooklyn came out.
"Wait!" He yelled.

I closed the car door, confused.

"What?" I asked.
"You forgot this." He said, handing me my phone.
"Oh, thank you!" I said hugging him.

He tensed up when I made contact with him, but he eventually hugged back.

He pulled away, chuckling.
"You're welcome." He smiled.
"I'll see you later." I grinned.
"Bye!" He started walking back to the others.

I opened the door and started the ignition, driving off.
---[MAY BE TRIGGERING? Look for ¢¢ to continue reading]
I sighed once I arrived to my destination.

"Okay, you got this Katie. Just go in there, meet them and don't freak out."

I got out of the car and knocked at the door.

It opened and a guy led me through a bunch of halls.

"You can go in, he's ready." The guy said.
I nodded.

I inhaled before turning the knob.

"Katie. Welcome, take a seat."

I sat down in the fancy white chair.

"So, why did you come here?"

"I came because I need help. It's getting worse."

"Show me."

Strangers||Brooklyn GibsonWhere stories live. Discover now