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A silver haired boy sat on the brick stairs by the beach listening to music.

Then a person caught his eye.

He had black hair and tattoos all over his body. He had a muscular appearance, and he wore a leather jacket with black ripped jeans, timberlands, and a white shirt. The male was a by a motorcycle with a few other people.

He thought he was attractive, but then, he had seen a tattoo.

The tattoo was a gang symbol and now he knows that they are bad.

He sighs as someone tapped on his shoulder. The young male turned his head around to see his bestfriend, hoseok.

hoseok waved his hand around and the silver haired boy took his ear bud out.

"Hey Tae" the male said happily.

"Hey hobi~" Tae says then smiles.

"Who were you looking at?" hoseok says, sitting right next to Taehyung looking at the direction he was looking before he interrupted.

"Ooooo hes cu- oh nevermind. Stay away from him" Hobi says looking at the guys tattoo. "You dont need to be in that type of group"

"But..." Tae sighs and just nods.

"So how are you?"


"Jungkook who are you staring at?" Jin asks.

Jungkook points to two boys on the brick stairs that keep glaring over to them.

"Why them out of all the people?" Jimin says.

"The silver brownish haired boy catches my eye." Jungkook says.

"How?" Jin says.

"How about you two shut up and get back to work" Jungkook snaps.

They gulp and nod.

"And Jimin, stay away from that other gang" Jungkook says before they got back to work.

Jungkook was just watching how the two boys would play around and such.

"Very cute" Jungkook mumbles having his eyes locked onto the male in the white sweater.


Taehyung sighed as he forgot he doesnt have any easy food to make.

He doesnt really trust himself cooking big things, cause last time he made something,, the pan caught on fire out of know where.... so....

He grabbed his wallet, phone, a mask, and a light jacket since it was slightly chilly tonight.

He pulls his mask up and slides his jacket on before exiting his apartment and taking the elevator.

(Hellavator man 👌👌👌 Stray Kids are the best)

As he is walking along the sidewalk as he sees couples making out, lights beaming with different colors, and the night sky.

He smiles softly under his mask and enters a grocery store.

Since it was night, not very many people were in there.

As he was walking the door bell ringed as some foots steps were heard after.

He shrugged it off and want to the instant noodles isle.

He grabbed a package and then went to another isle just for searching.

Then he heard footsteps coming near him as he was picking up an ice cream tub.

He looked over and seen the man he was looking at before and stopped. He quickly gulped before going back to looking at the ice cream carton.

"Well" The black haired boy said leaning against the wall looking at the boy in front of him deciding which ice cream he wants.

"Cutie" Jungkook mumbles getting the males attention.

Taehyung turned around to look at Jungkook.

His features were better up close ill tell you that for sure.

"D-do you u-um.." Tae says moving out of the way for Jungkook to grab an ice cream.

Instead of Jungkook doing so, he turned to look at Taehyung.

Without hesitation Jungkook pulled Taes mask down.

Tae looks confused for a second. "Um, why the hell did you do that?" He asks.

"Your the boy i saw on the brick stairs earlier!" He says. "Give me your phone" he demands.

"Why should i let a stranger have my pho- OH MY GOD!" Tae says as someone pulls his phone out of his back pocket.

"Thanks Jimin" Jungkook says.

Jimin just nods as he stands by Jungkook, then Jin stood by Jimin.

"Whats your password?" Jungkook asks.

"Why should i tell?" Taehyung says in a rude tone.

"Cause if you dont cupcake, your life will be crazy" Jungkook growls looking at him.

Taehyung gulps. "××××" he says his password.

"Thank you suger plum" Jungkook says before going to his contacts and adding his number.

Jungkook pulls his phone out and inserts Taehyung phone number in his phone. "Name?" He asks.

"T-taehyung-" Tae says trembling looking at Jungkook and his phone. "W-what are you doing?"

"Ill text you later princess" Jungkook says ignoring Taes question handing his phone back.

Tae stands there before walking away from the boys paying for his groceries and leaving as fast as possible.


Once Taehyung got to his apartment he plopped on his couch.

"What the fuck just happened..."

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