Paul is Eminem......

"Lilly, tell me where you at?" He asked softly.
"Roosevelt Hotel." I answered and the line went dead.

~ Marshall's POV ~

If that ain't a coincidence.....

I'd ended the call with Lilly appruptly after she'd told me in which hotel she was staying. Coincidentally I was staying at the same hotel and so I ordered the driver to speed up a lil, so I could talk to her. I hadn't been surprised when she'd literally ran away from me, though I'd expected that she would've at least give me the chance to talk to her a little. I knew it must be a lot to take in for her, but I hoped she wouldn't question my intentions and feelings for her.

Great job, dumbfuck! Bet ya didn't think ya ass is that scary, huh???

"Sam, you gotta get me the room number from Lilly an take me there!" I ordered my bodyguard who sat in the front seat of the car and he nodded in understanding.

As soon as I'd been guided into the hotel, Sam went to the reception to ask for Lilly's room number and then he'd brought me onto the floor she stayed on. Again I was a nervous wreck and I tortured my brain how I'd approach her and what I'd say first. I knocked on the door of her room and when it was opened seconds later and she stood in front of me, I sadly said the first that came to my mind.
"Am I gettin' my hug or nah?!"


Instantly I felt the urge to either bash my head repeatedly on the wall or to run away because of my own stupidity, but to my surprise she smiled a little at me and stuck her hand out.
"I'm Lilly!" She introduced herself and I inhaled deeply before I shook her hand and introduced myself properly, while I failed terribly in hiding a smirk.
"Hey Lilly, I'm Marshall!" For a few seconds all we did was holding our hand and looking at each other. She was even more beautiful than at the day I'd seen her at her office, her hand was so soft and now that she was so close and smiled shyly at me, all I wanted to do was wrap her in my arms and kiss her.

Fuck you gonna do! Step on the breaks, dumbfuck!!!!

"So.....uhm....." I tried in a stupid attempt to pull us out of the slight awkward situation and she released my hand and stepped aside while holding the door open.
"You said you wanted to talk. Do you maybe want to come in?" She asked unsure and I nodded and smiled at her, before I exhaled and stepped past her into her hotelroom.

Now it counts! Don't fuck it up!!!!

"Want to sit down?" She asked when she'd closed the door behind me and had stepped at my side and after another nod, I followed her to a sitting area where I plopped down in an armchair and instantly started to explain myself.
"Lilly, I swear I'm fuckin' sorry fo' lyin' to ya. I know it ain't easy for me to meet new people and especially women. These chicks either want me for my status or money an......... Damn....." I stopped my rambling, brushed with both hands over my face and looked at her. She'd sat down on a couch across from me and looked back at me with a small smile lingering on her beautiful face. "I never thought when we started that shit on that forum that I'd meet anyone, you know?! But then you came along an there was just somethin' to ya, that intrigued me and then Alaina showed me Twitter and I saw you there an we started writin'.....girl, you just got to me..." I sighed and she bowed her head and tried to hide a wider smile.

Good sign! Talk on....

"Lilly, I know it was a fucked up move to give ya a false name an shit. But the more we talked, the more I wan'ed ya to like me, you know?! Not Eminem, me, Marshall, you know?! An after a while, I was afraid to tell ya that I lied, 'cause I didn't want to lose ya, so I came up wit the idea to meet here and reveal who I really am. But please you gotta believe me, everythin' I've told ya about me, except for my name, job an where I'm livin' is the truth." I stopped when she'd looked at me again and nodded slowly. "I am divorced, I have 3 daughters, I'm a sober addict, I'm an antisocial fuck, introverted, I've my flaws.....and I'm in love with an extraordinary woman which I met on the internet!" I ended and now she covered her face when she'd blushed and smiled widely.

For a few seconds I stayed quiet and admired how beautiful, sweet and cute she was, until she removed her hands from her face and looked at me.
"You think you can forgive me?" I asked her and she nodded.
"I'm sorry for running away earlier. I was just shocked and surprised and didn't really know how to handle the situation." She apologized and I smiled at her.
"No need to apologize, Lilly Pad. I get that! I'm just happy you gave me the chance to talk to ya and explain."
"Sure and I understand why you acted that way. I mean, it's not nice to be lied to, but still I understand why you did it Pau......Marshall." She corrected herself and while I smiled widely about her mistake, she blushed again which made me chuckle. Again she hid her face behind her hands and I stood up, walked over to her to sit down beside her and slowly pulled her hands off her face.

Fuck she's so sweet.....

"Baby, there's no need to hide, aight?!" I said and she turned her head and nodded. "Look, I hope I ain't too forward now or that I sound weird, but how long ya gonna stay here?" To that question she furrowed her eyebrows and shrugged. "Aight...uhm.... what would ya think if we'd stay fo' the weekend and spend a lil time together, hm? I mean talk, get to know each other in person, maybe go somewhere?!" I offered and she thought for a few seconds before she answered.
"I'd loved that, but...." she stopped and pressed her lips together before she went on. "I know it might sound stupid, but we'll only talk and so on, okay?" I nodded instantly and tried hard to contain a chuckle about her shy-and cuteness.
"Lilly, I only wanna spend time wit ya for now. I ain't gonna lie, you're a beautiful girl, but I swear I won't do anythin', aight?!" I assured her and she exhaled deeply and nodded. "Good. Then how 'bout I'll go now an maybe we'll have breakfast tomorrow an then plan somethin'" I suggested. For sure I'd want to stay with her and definitely have breakfast in bed tomorrow, but Lilly wasn't that type of girl and that was something I loved about her.

"Okay." She agreed and so I slowly stood up and waited for her to do the same, before she walked beside me to the door.
"Do I get my hug now?" I asked her when she'd opened the door and after a few seconds of her being self-effacing, she closed the space between us and slowly wrapped her arms around my torso while I curled mine around her. "Sleep well, baby!" I whispered while I released her again and she smiled a little.
"You too, Marshall!"

Written by: sportnmusic

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