"Wow" Kagami says "This is what you were like?" I nod

"Tetsuya, Come on. wait" The brown Haired boy pauses "Are you scared"

"No chance" I (when 'I or me' is in italics it means the younger version) say, They continue walking down the halls of the warehouse, we follow.

Screams, We both turn around "Ogiwara? W-what was that?" 

"I don't know" He says back, "We need to go, You were right" He starts Pulling me down the halls,

We follow, we see the little version of me look behind them 

"Don't look behind you" he says pulling me along, They run into a room. Screaming follows. I don't even think, I just run forward. I open the door and see the younger version of me get thrown into the wall. Everyone else follows behind me, I run over to where the boy is, Leaning against the wall with a look of horror on his face. I turn and see the scene I never wanted to see again. The demon On top of Ogiwara, Impaling him over and over. His screams fill the room as he coughs up blood, every time the demon brings his hand down, Splatters of blood come out, on the walls , on the demon and even some on the little version of me. I cover my mouth and look away.

"T-Tetsuya" He says weakly, "R-Run" He adds, Holding out his hand. The younger me is frozen, Fear plastered all over his face, He's shaking. He gets up and bolts out the room. The demon laughs

"Tetsuya... Come out and PLAYY" I swallow hard as I can hear his foot steps get quieter as he follows the younger version of me. I stand there.

"Don't let it break you" I say out loud and walk out the door, Solid expression. We get quickly jolted towards the place I'm hiding, The younger version of me, Breathing heavily, Crying and grunting in pain. 

"Ahh" He screams "N-not now, Please Not now" He pleads, Falling to his knees

"whats happening?" Kise asks

"He's having and episode" My brother says, 

"Oh god, Please no" The younger me says, He starts shaking "Sumairu" He whispers, He screams in pain, We hear laughing as he's thrown against the wall, He screams in pain again

"Yes, scream. I like your pain, Your fear , your sadness" The demon says "Cry for me" He says. Younger me starts crying, for many reasons. We watch as he gets thrown against the wall, Over and over. By the end of it, He's a bloody mess, I'M a bloody mess, "I won't kill you yet. I'll haunt you later" Then the memory, the figures, they fade. I fall and lean on the wall, Breathing heavily. The group stare.

"F-fuck" I say staring down 

"An episode?" Kagami asks, Midorima pushes his glasses up.

"Yes, An episode," I snap 

"What do you mean?" Murisakibara asks, 

"None of your business" I say

"Tetsuya"  Akashi says, I snap


"Tetsu..." He says,

'Calm yourself' Mirai says

"The HELL is that" Kise says

"I AM calm" I say, standing up. 

"What the hell is going on?" Midorima asks, "What is THAT"  I smile slightly

"You will all understand in time," I respond, "C'mon"  I continue walking down the corridor, We hear a smash and Akashi opens the door, We walk in and see the dining room at my house, A slightly older version of me than the one before.

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