Chapter 15

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“What shall we do today?” Jan asked as he handed her a mug of coffee. As she sat up to reach it the duvet slid down her body and revealed rather a lot of skin. “No don’t answer....something’s just popped up!” He winked lewdly as he slid between the sheets next to her.

“A rare day off together?” She smiled as his hands slipped around her. A week had passed since the party, her sisters had left, there was just the two of them now, and they were spending lots of time together.

“I was thinking, just stay here. We don’t have to go out do we?” he gave her his best puppy dog eyes and she laughed.

“As long as you’re prepared to cook, clean and water me!”

“And more!” he was laughing as he pulled her under the duvet.

Ellen loved the way that Jan overwhelmed her. He was such an unselfish lover, and no comparison to Richard. She shuddered every time she thought of how close she’d come to marrying him. No, Jan was so happy teasing her, tasting her, kissing her, pleasing her, that she repeatedly felt worshipped. But as she lay there out of breath after more orgasms than she could remember, she knew she had to share with him the news that she planned to go home. Only for a few days, but she knew he’d worry, about Richard, her family, and the fact that she may not come back. But she’d left her home six weeks ago for a holiday. She was living out of a holiday suitcase. She needed to pack up her things, she’d given up her flat before the wedding, and the boxes, her clothes, and all her belongings were either in storage or in a spare room at her parents. That couldn’t continue, so she needed to go back to sort it out, once and for all.

A few hours later they were sat watching TV, it was Wimbledon fortnight, so they sat watching Rafael Nadal in a semi final, he was winning of course. It was now or never.

Ellen curled into his body, resting her head against his bare shoulder; he was only wearing a pair of surf shorts.

“Jan...I’ve spoken to Pedro, he’s agreed I can have a few days off, I’m going home in a couple of days.”

Jan sat up, almost pushing her away in his haste, “you are? Why didn’t you tell me?”

She tried to smile, “I didn’t want to upset our happiness!”

Nodding he looked at her, “do you need me to come with you?”

She smiled now, “I love that you’d do that for me, but you can’t get the time off, I know that. And hey, some things I just need to do myself!”

“Shall I get Louis to put the heavies on Richard again? If he tries to hurt you...”

She placed a hand on his arm, “He can’t hurt me any more Jan, I promise. And I’ll be back in a couple of days with my things; I mean I’ve only got one pair of jeans here...and no shoes.....”

The flight home took just over two hours, she’d not told anyone that she was coming; she couldn’t bear the thought of everyone standing on attention for her. She got a cab from the airport to her parents, but midday on a Monday no one was home. Her father worked only a mile away, so she stowed her empty bags in the garage and as it was a pleasant day, strolled to his office.

Virginia, his secretary, smiled with more than a hint of shock as she spotted Ellen.

“Wow! Ellen! You look so well...” they embraced like old friends. “I was so sorry to hear what happened...”

Ellen smiled graciously, “thanks, you got your present back?”

Virginia nodded, “I look really well, the sun has done you good?”

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