Chapter Four

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It was well into the early hours when Ellen found herself alone with Jan again. They were sat at a small bar on adjacent stools, a beer and a shot of tequila each in front of them.

“So how are you out here Jan? I mean this is such a....”

He laughed out loud, “it’s fun! I love the people, the kids. I mean I get paid to play games.” 

She’d earlier been amazed to learn he was two years older than her at twenty seven, but that only made her more suspicious. She didn’t see this as a career choice for someone who should clearly be thinking about more than Jenga, water polo, and kids discos. Where does one go from this level of entertainment? Management? She hated sounding so condescending, but she’d been financially independent since finishing college and couldn’t really respect someone who was still bumming around.

“But is this where you see yourself in the future?”

Chuckling he tried to look indignant, “is this an interview? I don’t have a wife, no children, why can’t I just experience a fun life. More people should!”

“I suppose I find it hard to think about.”

“It’s a risk for people,” he agreed, “but I am happy taking risks. Toiling nine to five is a safe option. I mean where has it got you really?”

She felt tears well at her eyes at the harsh reality. For all her playing by the rules, she’d committed two hundred percent to a man who’d left her high, dry and completely broke. If Jan walked away tomorrow, at least he’d have no debt, he’d be no worse than when he started. She was broken, four years ruined, stripped bare in seconds.

“You’re right! It’s not got me anywhere! Do you parents approve?”

He laughed, “My mother thinks I’m a bum, but she knows I’m dynamic, that I’ll survive anything, my father’s dead. He died six years ago. I’ve got three sisters who are all married and have a whole host of children so that kind of keeps her occupied, I’m lucky! My brother is just out of University, finding his way...he’ll toe the line, I’m sure.” 

“Five of you? Your mother must be a saint. I’ve got two sisters, and that’s enough!”

He sipped his drink knowingly, “I like a full house, its great fun! But not enough that I want to settle down and have my own kids! This is a summer of fun!”

Ellen suddenly realised how far apart they really were, she’d envisaged a future of children, family and being a wife, he was here to sow his oats and have fun.  Who was right? At the moment she thought it was him.

Reaching for the tequila, she tipped salt onto her hand and licked it, then downed the shot, before sucking the wedge of lime.

“Another!” she called out then geed him on to do the same.

Shaking his head he copied her action before throwing a note at the barman to cover the next drink.

“Amelia will take you back in a taxi, ok?” He offered after scowling at the bitterness of the lime,

She shrugged, “where are you and Cisco going?”

He sipped his beer before replying, “Accommodation comes with the job, normally I sleep at the hotel, but I do have an apartment here that I use too. A few of us share, just to save on taxis, but also because I would rather be away from the hotel on my days off.”

“And you’re off tomorrow?”

He shook his head, “no, I’m in for half past ten, I’d offer you to stay, but there are a few spare beds...and I’m being a gentleman!”

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