Getting to know her

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The child sat up with force as she looked at the female who waved at her. She watched her smile. She then saw the female pull her next to her. She seemed so happy to have a new pal to hang with. The child saw her notebook. And then looked at her.
"So! What's your name?!"
"Do you even have a name?!"
The child nodded no. That she didnt have one.
The female immediately stopped smiling, "why do you have no name...?" she asked. The child shrugged her shoulders. Her shyness taking over. She just held herself while watching the female write down that she had no name. The female asked her another question,
"How old are you?"
"..." the child held up 6 fingers.
"Aww. Your younger then me! I'm 7"
The female introduced herself as 'Abby'. She laughed softly and saw some male kid come back here. He had a black and blue booksack. And he had purple hair with green eyes. But he was one of the bullies... At least to everybody.

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