Chapter Four Date Night

Start from the beginning

“Hey,” was all I managed. This was the first time he had spoken or sought me out, outside of school.

“I was wondering if you were hungry, that is if I could take you out for a casual dinner?” he spoke humbly.

“Um, sure my father won’t mind he’s not even home at least he wouldn’t be until late anyway,” now I was getting nervous.

“Would you mind if we rode in my car, I promise I will return your car to your home?”

“How? You don’t know where I live?” he fumbled at first but recovered quickly.

“Oh right, I just assumed I would be dropping you off at home after dinner and you would tell me the way then,” nice recovery, I thought

“That would be fine,” we left my car where it was and since I didn’t know what his car looked like or where he parked he escorted me to his car. Once we got to his car my eyes popped out of my head. His car was a sleek black, white, and silver 1959 Chevrolet Corvette with the convertible top up. I whistled.

“Wow, how in the world do you own something like this” I was suspicious again, he obviously had money and a lot of it.

“Um it’s been passed down to me through family,” as he opened the passenger door and gestured with his hand for me to enter the car as a gentleman would of course. He was really old fashioned sometimes. I giggled to myself.

“What?” when he heard me giggle.

“You are just so old-fashioned, no one opens doors anymore for women,” I shook my head amused.

“Well they should,” he had a serious expression and tone to his response. Always surprising me.

“So, what is your favorite place?” he asked after he got in. I was distracted looking around at the interior of the car. It was all black and silver with leather seats. The interior was glossy shiny and in pristine condition for such a classic car. The car was absolutely classical and fabulous.

“Italian,” I mentioned nonchalantly.

“So Valentino’s?” which was more of a statement than a question of if that is where we should go. He turned the key in the ignition.

“Wait that place isn’t it kind of expensive?” and romantic I added silently to myself.

“No its not,” was all he said matter of factly. Sheesh, another one who didn’t want me to worry about money.

I was annoyed by that, but curious about this turn of events with him so I just let it go. We drove silently to the restaurant mostly as I had no idea what to say and also annoyance with everyone’s disregard to money when it came to me. I wasn’t exactly dressed for this type of restaurant either still in my clothes from school, but Ayden as usual looked like he walked off the cover of Vogue magazine well maybe not vogue but Modern Man? Once we parked I started to open my door and Ayden gently and quickly grabbed my hand firmly and with a sly smile shook his head no. He got out and came around the front smiling slyly and opened the door for me again.

“That is going to get old,” I laughed teasingly also with a sly smile.

“I hope not” he breathed his face inches from mine as he shut the door again. I held still trying to make sure my stomach didn’t fall out of my body those lurching butterflies had returned. He didn’t touch me or hold my hand again but just walked besides me just inches from me his coat could have brushed up against my arm if he had stepped any closer. He was deliberately it seemed staying out of touching range but close by.

Valentino’s was a little quaint and quiet restaurant burgundy brick and thick of a building, roses lining it all the way around. The booths inside were low lighted and gave off a feeling of privacy and intimacy. You could not see anything around you in each booth except the entrance of it, the chairs of the booths were an aged dark brown with hints of dusty red leather and they were comfortable. Usually there is a wait time but they escorted us directly to an intimate and private booth. Once seated I realized that I actually was quite hungry and opened up the menu. Ayden just sat there and watched me.

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