Chapter 18: Depression Is A B*tch!

Start from the beginning

"A lil squirter" I chuckled kissing her lips letting her taste herself.. I slipped my tongue in her mouth sucking on hers gently

'Broke niggas stand to the left, my rich niggas stand to the right.. lil mama she keep looking at me imma knock that pussy out like fight night'

My phone rung. I groaned pulling away from our kiss grabbing it from the night stand answering it


"Aye man we need to get to the hospital!" Set spoke with a bunch of noise in the background

"Why? What's wrong?" I sat up

"Take tried to overdose man hurry the fuck up!!" He hung up

I got up and slipped on my boxers and joggers along with my hoodie

"What's wrong?" Royalty sat up

"We gotta get to the hospital Take tried to kill his self"

Soon she was up and dressed to and we were out!

When we arrived at the hospital paparazzi was everywhere!! I really didn't feel like dealing with this shit. I walked over to Royals side helping her out and locking the doors.. I held her hand tightly as we made our way through flashing lights and questions! I was glad once we made it inside and to the waiting room where Set was

"Hey!" He got up and hugged the both of us

"How the hell did this happen?" Royalty asked as we sat down

"OxyContin and Perks" He sighed. "The police been questioning me ever since we got here.. they want to check our rooms" He sighed

"Shit!" I rubbed my hand down my face

"Here his aggravating ass come now"

"Alright, lets go! The quicker we get this done the better" He lead us out and into the back of the police car

Once we got back to the hotel Royalty was close to going off on this janky ass cop! He was really headed for a ass whupping

"I hope you do know if we find any other drugs in his room he will be going to jail"

"Damn! The man been in the hospital what five minutes and you already talking bout throwing him in jail" Royalty rolled her eyes

"That's right! I could careless if he goes or not or if he pulls through.. I'm just doing my job" He shrugged

"Your job? You're doing a poor ass job at it.. I'm sure I could do a hell of a lot better than your doing wit your fucked up attitude"

"Your really pushing it"

"I'm sure I am, but guess what.. I don't give a fuck" She smiled stepping off the elevator I wrapped my arm around her and smiled

"You hell" I chuckled

"My lil nigga" Set joked

He checked Takes room first and found basically nothing. He went into Set's room and found some weed and lean.. then ours finding the same thing with some perks

"Did he get the drugs from you?" He asked looking at me

"You think I would purposely hurt my brother?"

"Obviously.. your the only one that has it" He stepped closer

"I can't believe this bullshit!" Royalty groaned

"I'm giving you to the count of three to leave this room.. 1...2.3.."

"4..5... I know how to fucking count.. damn pigs" She grabbed my hand pulling me out the room

"Damn.. just like you Quavious Marshall" Set teased laughing

"Get your asses back to the hospital"

"Whatever" We left and went back to the hospital. By the time we made it back Take was in a room and awake we walked in and sat waiting for him to speak

"I guess y'all mad" He sighed

"We're worried" I responded. "Why would you try to kill your self?"

"Seemed like the easy way out"


"Hi, I'm Christina and I was assigned to be Kirshnik therapist" She smiled

"I'm Quavious, this my fiancé Royalty and Kiari"

"But you can call me Set"

"It's nice to meet you guys" She gave a small smile. "I just wanted to come in and introduce myself and get to meet everybody and lay down some things that you need to be aware of"

"Such as?" Royalty sighed leaning against me

"Well, he is going to have to be watched 24/7 meaning he will have to share a hotel room with one of you until he's stable enough to be on his own, but his medication will help him out along the way"

"How often does he has to take the medicine and what is it?" I asked

"Whenever he feels stressed or depressed and something I'm sure you guys are used to using." She smirked. "Weed"

"That's a sick joke really?" Set smiled

"Nope! He can use it when needed.. it'll only be for a few months. Of course I'll call and check in to see how he's doing and everything just to stay up to date"

"Okay" We agreed

"Well, I hope you get to feeling like your old self Kirshnik, nice meeting you guys" She walked out shutting the door behind her

"Well...." Royalty looked between us

"Free weed!!" Set smiled like a kid in a candy store jumping around making us laugh

This nigga

Mmmmm... tell me what y'all think! I'll try to update tomorrow but it's gonna be Fear Fest on AMC & im a horror movie fanatic.. favorite thing about Halloween, but  happy Sunday guys! ❤️ #HUNCHOFAM ‼️💪🏽💯

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