☆Chapter 4 - The Time Is Near☆

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It had been difficult to recover after his visit from his real mother's grave. Thus, Loki channelled this grief and sadness and convert into energy which he used in his battle trainings. Loki spent most of his time there, never once taking a break because if he did, he feared he would succumbed to his grief and crumble.

It was during one of the days when Loki was still training when his Master appeared before him and said,

"Jotunheimian, one of the stones is on Earth and has recently resurface. Go now to observe and when the time is right, strike."

"Yes Master" Loki smile deviously, his face bruised and battered after long hours of training. At last, he could finally put his training into action.

His voice was deeper and meaner. His hair was wild. He had changed a lot throughout his time there. One, his hair had grown longer, something he would not dare to do in Asgard.

At Asgard, he was supposed to follow the rules and be obediant. The life of a prince especially under the shade of his brother's greatness. But now, he had become more rugged and strong. He had visited worlds that he never knew before, for his trainings. He learnt to adapt in dangerous situations and to think on his feet. Loki felt free. Free from his brother, Thor. Free from needing the approval from Odin. Free from his ownself. Free from all the lies and struggles in life. He felt independent and a completely different person. He especially felt more evil.

Loki teletransported his illusion onto Earth down into the the depths of the secured Headquarters of S.H.E.I.L.D. where he felt the strong power of the Tessaract. Being a Frost Giant had its perks. Since the Tessaract was Frost Giant's property that was lost in the last Great War, Loki was able to detect it with ease.

"Power Doctor. Maybe unlimited Power." Director Nick Fury said.

Loki appeared in the glass surface smiling. "While that's worth a look" he whispered to entrance the Scientist nearby.

"Well that's worth a look" the Scientist repeated to Nick Fury. Loki smirked. The Scientist and Nick Fury shook hands and left. Loki followed them to the place where they kept the Tessaract. Lots of Scientists around. Some were trying to study the Tessaract but failed since the it was very reactive. Loki laughed.

'Foolish mortals. You will never be able to learn, understand nor harness that amount of Power' Loki thought to himself.

He was about to return to his Master when a thought struck  him, or rather a flashback...

"Loki, this is madness."

"Is it madness? Is it? Is it! And what was it on Earth that turned you so soft? Don't tell me it was that woman!...Oh it was! Maybe when we're finish here, I'll pay her a visit myself!"
Loki grinned to himself. It wouldn't hurt to take a minor detour for a while.

"Finally, payback time" he laughed diabolically.

Loki then transported himself to the her in the form of an apparition.

Loki appeared from the shadows and looked at the young woman at the desk, with her face in her hands. She looked exhausted and about to give up. Loki approached her. He need not worry of making a sound for he transformed himself into an apparition as soon as he arrived. He went close to her and whispered.

"Forget about him. He would never return. Forget about him. He does not care about you. You deserve much more. Go to New York. Enjoy yourself there. Lose yourself in the Big Apple." Loki whispered in an enchanting  and alluring voice.

He smiled to himself as she looked up and stared straight ahead, entranced by his words. Then she stood up and walked to the living room area.

"Darcy! Change of plans. We are going to New York instead of Greenwich, UK" she said.

'Right to where I want you to be. Oh, I can already imagine my brother's face when he sees your helpless crushed body buried under heaps of stones, when I take over New York. Oh such sweet revenge. If that doesn't work, I would always have tricks up my sleeve. I am, after all, the God of  Mischief. Master of Magic and Trickery. I ain't have those titles for nothing.' Loki thought gleefully to himself.

Loki then transported back to his Master and reported on his assignment.

"You have done well, my Prodigy. And excellent touch misleading and misguiding that young woman. Are you confident you can secure this victory?"the Master asked.

"I promised you, the humans are wretched cowards. They'll have no chance against the likes of us." Loki said confidently.

"Very well. Go now. Rest. I'll have word with your mentor. I'll summon you soon. I expect great things from you. The time has come. Be prepared, my Prodigy." the Master's voice said.

"Very well Master." Loki said.

'Oh yes the time is certainly near.' Loki thought.

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