Chapter 1

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"Kim Mina get down here!" My father yelled I get out of bed and text my friends that I have to go and walk downstairs to the kitchen where he is most likely to be "What is it?" I ask "Well I just got a call from your principal......TWICE!"he yells I just stand there with a poker face "Okkkkkkk and I'm supposed to care because?" I ask with a raised eyebrow "You fought with a boy and girl at school..... you also cursed at a teacher..... WHY?" He asks clearly oblivious to who the boy and girl were "Ok first off the teacher deserved it cause does it look like I care about making up with that fake friend and cheating jerk .... no it doesn't so why do they expect me to apologize cause what I want to do is high five myself." I say "What fake friend and cheating jerk?" He asks "Well I had a boyfriend can't even be bothered to say his name and she was allegedly my best friend well newsflash friends don't date their best friend boyfriend." I say kinda getting angry again at her "Still control yourself now your suspended from school for 3 days." My dad says looking at a note he had in his hand "What is it?" I asked noticing my dad's behavior "Oh it's nothing but sweetie I have to go do a job that someone hired me to do." My dad says not looking at me "Again Dad you just got back a day ago."I say a bit disappointed "I know but I need to do this and soon you will have to do it too."My dad says "Do what exactly Dad?"I ask because he never really told what exactly I was supposed to do when I turned 16 "I hope you won't have to find out before your 16 but if I don't come back in 5 days I want you to contact this number and tell them your name ok?" My dad says handing me a piece of paper I took it....

   That was 3 weeks ago .... I called the number and then that's when my world started to change and not for the best either.


I haven't seen my Dad in a week and I still had that pice of paper he told me to call if he wasn't back in 5 days it had been more then 5 days so I decided to call the number I grabbed my phone a typed in the number and pressed the call button "Hello?" A woman's voice answered "Hello my Dad told me to call this number if he was gone for more then 5 days and its been a week." I say explaining it to the woman who had answered "What is your name?" She asks "Kim Mina." I say "Access granted." The woman says "What do you mean?" I ask confused "You will be sent a limo to your current location training will begin tomorrow welcome Kim Mina to our business." The woman said and then hung up "What business?"I said out loud.

10 minutes later I heard our doorbell ring I went to answer the door"Kim Mina?" A man asked looking at me he was in a very fancy suit standing at our doorstep "Yes?" I say "Come with me I will take you to where you will be staying for a while." he said with a straight face "What I'm not going anywhere." I say trying to close the door "I have been approved to use force if I must to get you back to training." The man says looking at me "I'm not going anywhere with you and I have no idea what your talking about." I trying to close the door but it stopped and then I looked at the man he had his hand on the door keeping it open he opened the door and then put a cloth on my face I tried not to breath it in but I needed air so I breathed whatever was in the cloth my eyes began to become heavy and soon the world became dark .

  I woke up on a couch with my head on a very soft pillow I sit up and look around I see a man typing on his computer he didn't look away from the screen "Good your awake." He said looking at the screen before him "Where am I?"I asked "Somewhere safe you will start training as soon as everything is explain to you." He says still not looking away from his screen "What training?" I asked him "You will soon find out." He says finally looking at me "Go to red door a woman will be waiting there to help clean you up and then she will lead you to our boss and he will explain everything to you." He explains and points to a red door to my left "Ok." I say and walk to door and go through and that's where I'm greeted by a woman with bright red lips "Follow me." She says and leads me to a room I walk in it was big very big and fancy she led me to a bathroom "Take a bath just to freshen up and then on the bed their will be a outfit picked out for you to wear." She says and then leaves.

 After I finish taking a bath I wrap myself in a very soft and fluffy robe that was hanging on the door I walk out and see a white shirt with long sleeves and a black bow and a silk black skirt and some black heels with a bow I quickly get dressed and my hair was a little wet but I just left it like that I walk out of the room and see the woman stand there and inspect me and how I dressed up "Good you look very nice but we need to do something about your hair and maybe add some makeup." She says taking to a room with a vanity table and woman comes in with all sorts of stuff I didn't even know what half of it was "Fix her hair and give her a natural makeup look." She tells the woman with all the stuff and then leaves "Well then let's get started." she says .

After she was done my long hair was curled but kinda wavy and for makeup my lips looked soft and glossy and were a soft pink and I had a little blush on my cheeks and a sparkling eyeshadow but you could barely see it unless you looked closely enough "Well your done just go out the door from where you came in." She says packing everything up "Ok." I say walking away and out the door the woman patiently waiting for me there "Good now your ready to meet the boss." She says and leads to a elevator and presses a button we go up and we exit into a very neat room it had a desk with a man sitting there "Welcome Kim Mina we have been expecting you." He says "Excuse me but what's going on?" I ask "I'll explain it all." He says "Your dad is one of our best men but he is missing and you are going to be trained and we have already sent our best people to recover him but they haven't returned yet."He says "Excuse me but trained to be what exactly?" I ask "An assassin.".......


I finally update! 

GoodbyeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang