Chapter 1: Withering Fate

Start from the beginning

"I'D BEEN HURTING FOR SO LONG! PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE! I WANT TO REST FROM THIS PAIN!" Came the reply of the sorrowing female, though the young God Eater didn't heed the pleas of the girl, but instead continued to push forward; his enhance body starting to feel numb for being electrocuted nonstop.

Seeing the progress of the white haired God Eater, the sorrowing girl once again exclaimed her pleas to be left alone, and in the process, she also increased the power and intensity of the lighting that she's giving out that was fueled by pain and angst.

As the intensity increased, the male God Eater got blasted back to where he started his journey towards the grief filled girl. Not giving himself a rest, the boy once again stood up and tried to walk towards the crying girl even though his body is still being plague by the accumulated static the crawled all over him.

Again, being in the path towards the crying wreck, his knees buckled and threaten to make him fall, as once again the lighting stroke him repeatedly, the pain then resumed coursed through every fiber of him, but he didn't let this happened. The boy stabbed his God Arc to the asphalt, catching himself.

Panting from exhaustion and pain he noticed that the lighting are starting to get out of control, shooting towards buildings and the asphalt road, carving burnt marks all over the place. Seeing that it's starting be really dangerous not just for him but the spectators, he pushed himself more even with his battered body complaining, he rose up again and walked towards the crying young woman.

Once he reached a certain distance from the berserk female, the lighting seems like it started to get attracted to him like he's a magnet. They aimed themselves at the God Eater and stroked him repeatedly. The burning sensation of pain once again came but the boy tried to overpower the pain, gritting his teeth and endured the relentless strikes.

Despite the overwhelming punishment, white haired God Eater continued his venture towards the sorrow filled girl and when he realized that his weapon is slowing him down, he let go. Now weaponless he continued his painful journey. He also started to have problems walking, his legs not responding with complete obedience because of the electrical interference from the attacks he's receiving.

On the other hand the female that is controlling the storm continued to cry in despair, refusing to open her eyes and once again see the living nightmare, she did not see the progress of the boy that is struggling to reach her. The moment that the girl is within arm's reach, the boy reached out and embraced her.

Shocked by the sudden action of the God Eater, the lighting storm vanished for a moment. Feeling the warmth of the embrace that is a stark contrast from the chilling cold of the afternoon air, she felt an urge to cry on his chest, but she ignored it and tried to push the male away.

The white haired boy didn't budged and only tighten his grip on her body but not to a point that it hurt, just so she can't escaped. Realizing that the God Eater wouldn't yield, the girl deliberately unleashed her full power accompanied by a scream.

"GO AWAY!" The girl screamed, her voice filled with pain and misery as she continued to get away from the young man's grasp. Even with tenfold of pain that is coursing through his veins, the young man did not yield. He continued to embrace the girl even though he's fighting for his own consciousness.

"Please just let me end my suffering, I have nothing to live for anymore. IT HURTS SO MUCH!" The girl continued, still trying to push away the white haired male. Even with all the strength that she can muster, and even with the agonizing pain that the young woman was sure the God Eater is suffering, he held on to her with shaking arms.

"N-no I- w-won't! You m-may have lost e-everything, a-and it h-hurts... B-but d-do you think t-that the ones y-you've lost w-would w-welcome you? Them k-knowing that y-you threw a-away your l-life?!" The suffering young man replied, his voice strained from pain. He then further steeled his resolve to not let a life go to waste because of angst and misery.

"THEN WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!" The young sorrowing girl demanded to the God Eater that is holding her in his arms; the lighting not relenting in its assault only getting intensified even more. As if the white haired boy predicted the question of the girl, he answered almost instantly.

"LIVE! C-continue to live! I-if you can't b-bring yourself to, then find s-something that w-will give you p-purpose! I k-know how hard it can b-be... I've b-been there! But w-we have to atone f-for the lives that h-has been sacrificed f-for our sake!" Came the answer of the pained boy, his body now smoking from the constant flow of high voltage electricity.

Hearing the reply, the female somehow got awaken from her sorrow. Slowly the lighting died down until all that's left was small sparks coming out of the God Eater that took the blunt of the storm, and the girl who controlled the storm. The crying continued but only as a whimper and sobs of pain and angst. The God Eater comforting the sorrow filled girl, his shirt under his open coat getting wet with tears.

God Eater: Lighting's RequiemWhere stories live. Discover now