Chapter 1: Withering Fate

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Within a large building ruins, a girl with medium length chestnut colored hair ran towards the exit of the building, but before she could reach it, a Aragami; an Ogretail to be exact, jump over her and landed exactly at the doorway. Not long when the first Aragami blocked her path of escape, two more appeared at her flanks. Not having a choice; the trapped girl readied the hulking blade she's been hauling.

The 'Violent gods' didn't stay put for too long, the two launched themselves towards the armed warrior, without hesitation. The female swordsman in turn also launched herself towards the one in front of her. The moment that she got the Aragami in her range, she swung her hulking blade. Blood spayed from the sickening wound that the attack produced making the Aragami stagger because of the pain it felt from the attack and it also roared as it tried to find its balance once more, not letting the Monster recover, the girl then unleashed the finishing blow from its right side. As soon as the first Ogretail fell to the ground another tried to maul the female.

Acting quickly, the swordswoman raised her weapon to defend, as she does so, parts of her weapons moved. The two thick panel shaped like halves of a shield moved towards the belly of the blade. When the Ogretail's attack connected; sparks flew in the air. Instead of flesh, the Aragami found itself biting a thick metal plate shaped into a shield produce by the girl's weapon. The Monster tried to wrench the weapon away but the defender held her ground. With a quick push the chestnut haired female manage to move the Aragami to a disadvantageous position; its feet tangling and because of that it lost its balance, with another quick action; the swordswoman swung her blade horizontally and caught the Ogretail's neck, decapitating it.

The last Ogretail on the other hand didn't charged but instead fired projectiles from its tail. The warrior barely notice the attack and also barely dodge the projectiles by stepping aside. The thick bony projectiles struck the wall of the ruined building behind the girl, its impact produce enough force to break the concrete wall and make a small dust cloud.

Despite the close call, The swordswoman's expression didn't changed; it stayed blank and stoic. Deciding to return the favor, she raised her weapon and grab the other handle in the mid section of her armament, this made her weapon change form; metal slide against each other and as they do so they revealed organic materials underneath the metal coverings.

After a second, the former blade has change to a massive gun to which the armed female pointed at the last Aragami, without hesitation she pulled the trigger and fired. After that silence roam the air, seeing no more threats, the girl turned towards the exit that is now free from blockade.

But before she can proceed outside another 'Violent god' burst through the small doorway with it massive body. The dust that accumulated because of the sudden collapse was blasted away by the roar of the giant Aragami revealing its features.

An Aragami in the form of a gigantic tiger with four cape like substance attached on its shoulders, standing straight as the 'Violent god' continued its roar, it also has an armored front legs and a crown like bone structure on its head. Just like before, the swordswoman's expression didn't change, she just took a stance and readied her weapon.


In a room somewhere, two person observe the battle that is taking place, the two person being females, watched carefully what the holographic screens and physical ones are showing in different angles. The one in a chair was obviously in awe with the performance of the warrior in the monitors; her mouth open slightly, while the other one just watched in seriousness and silence, though she's still impressed at the performance of the person in the monitors.

"Major Amamiya, this girl is really good, she's fighting a Vajra on her own but she's not struggling at all!" The woman at the chair beamed at the other which she refers as Amamiya.

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