5. Change in Luck

Start from the beginning

"Hello Ben, wheres Emma?" Asked Felicia.
"She's just finishing up some homework" said Ben. Felicia nodded and served him a plate of mashed potatoes and chicken. Ben got a spoon and a fork.
"So Ben how did you and Emma meet?" Asked Felicia
"We met at the bus stop and we just kinda hit it off and it went on from there." Felicia nodded and smiled
"Thats nice." Ben looked at Felicia
"So what brings you guys to New York?" Asked Ben. Felicia responded
"Well we pretty much just follow her father where ever he goes to work." Ben nodded
"Where does your husband work?" Ben took a drink of his glass of water.
"He owns Oscorp, looks like we're staying here for good. New York is where Oscorp started." Ben's eyes widened
"That is....so cool. So you're married to Harry Osborn?" Asked Ben. Felicia nodded, Emma walked down the stairs and looked at both Ben and Felicia and said
"I see you two are getting along quite well." Ben replied
"Took the words right out of my mouth."

After Ben had finished diner with Emma and her mom he walked out the house with Emma.
"Thanks for coming over Ben" Said Emma smiling towards Ben.
"It was nice meeting your mom, and to have diner with you." Ben put on his backpack, only wearing one strap. Emma and Ben looked at each other and Emma gave Ben a kiss on the cheek. Ben gave her a hug and he walked off.
"My luck seems to be changing even if just slightly" said Ben to himself. As he was on the street he saw four cop cars race by.
"Ben's had his fun today, now it's time for Spider-man" thought Ben to himself. Ben ran to the nearest alley and opened his backpack and took out his suit. Ben changed into his suit and put on his web shooters, Ben started to climb up the alley wall and got to the top of the alleys wall.
"Now if I were a cop car where would I be?" Ben saw the flashing blue and red lights of the cop cars in the distance and started web swinging after them. Ben saw the police shoot at a black car and the car shot back at them.
"Gotta stop that car before anyone gets hurt" Ben launched off a web and shot two webs, one from each hand, both attaching to the side mirrors. Ben held on to the webs and he was gliding in the air.
"Air Spidey!" Shouted Ben as he pulled himself onto the roof of the car. Ben landed on the roof and the driver pulled out a pistol and shot the roof. Ben jumped to the hood of the car
"Sheesh tough crowd." The driver shot at Ben, the bullet took off a piece of Ben's arm part of the costume. Ben shot a web at the bullet and it grabbed the bullet, Ben then pulled it into the glass of the windshield and into the barrel of the gun. Ben webbed up the tires and he jumped off the car onto a surrounding building. As the car flipped, Ben webbed the car down to the street. The police cars surrounded the car. The police got out of the car and Carson spoke to Ben "We didn't need your help Spiderman." Ben rolled his eyes behind the mask then his spider sense started tingling
"Where's the danger?" Ben thought to himself. Then a loud blast came behind the wall Ben was on. Ben fell to the floor and a guy in a black hoodie,black pants,a black militaristic helmet,and a pair of gauntlets that are black and had glowing red lines going all around the gauntlets. Carson ordered the officers to open fire on the gauntlet wielding man. The man shot his gauntlets at the cops, the blast was a red almost sound wave looking blast that sent some of the cops through a building. Ben pushed off the rubble and shot a web up at the man and pulled him into a cop car. The man spoke
"I'm gonna make this as easy as possible freak,your coming with me one way or another." The man's voice sounding a bit distorted. Ben brushed off some small bits of debris from his shoulders
"Who are you exactly?" Asked Ben
"I'm the new and improved shocker!"
Shocker shot at Ben, but Ben jumped over his blast and shot web balls at Shocker. Shocker blasted the ground he flew into the air and punched Ben in his back. The gauntlet amplified his punch and Ben was layed out on the floor.
"That was easier than expect-" Carson shot Shocker in the leg. Shocker aimed his gauntlet at Carson, Ben did a backflip and kicked Shockers arm upwards. Ben shot a web at Shockers legs connecting them together. A voice spoke to Shocker
"Blast him away!" Ben slightly heard it but Shocker smashed his gauntlets together making a huge shock wave blasting Ben back into a light post.
"Owww...." The voice spoke again
"Get out of there, you'll get him tomorrow on our package." Shocker started running away and Carson chased after him. Ben got up and swung after them both
"Can't let him get away!" Thought Ben to himself.
Carson got punched in the back of the head and was knocked out. Ben landed on the wall next to Shocker.
"You leave me alone or I'll kill him!" Yelled Shocker as he pulled out a grenade
"Take it easy pal, no one has to get hurt" said Ben. A helicopter was above them and a ladder dropped down and shocker got on it.
"No one except you" Shocker dropped the grenade. Ben shot a web at the grenade and launched it into the air.
Ben saw Carson was knocked out and he carried him and started swinging to Grace's house. Ben opened the window and put Carson laying down on the couch
"Goodnight sweet prince" said Ben quietly to himself and he swung out and into the city.

As Emma was cleaning her room she noticed a small silver cartridge
"What is this?" She held it up and then she remembered
"Ben's backpack was here..." She opened the cartridge and she saw spider webs.
"What the hell...no way he's, Spider-Man?"

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