Chapter 8: The stir?

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Destiny's POV

Me and Alexis had just got out done working out at the gym and we were showering in the locker room.

Alexis: So how are you and August

Me: Good I guess. (I shrugged my shoulders carelessly)

Alexis: (She sighed and roled her eyes, then she turned to me) Destiny, he loves you. Why are you trying to play him. I know ya'll go through alot but you shouldn't play him.

Me: Look im not gonna say it again. I feel how I feel. I've tried to love some one before and they did me wrong and--

Alexis: (She cut me off.) Just because you've been hurt ever snce then you've had walls put up to make sure no one ever breaks them down and hurts you again. I know you destiny. You never loved before. Niether has August--

Me: (I cut her off) And i'm pretty sure he ain't changed. Just like you said about me. You can't change a player or change their game.

Alexis: (She stopped for a minuted and sighed.) Your probably right.

Me: Exactly so lets leave it at that.

I was getting irritated. Every one keeps thinking that me and august are in love. Love isn't real to me. And i'm pretty sure its the same with august. I was just ready to go home. But when I was about to leave I saw Makenna walk by. I looked at alexis. "Was she there the whole time?" Alexis shrugged her shoulders carelessly. "IDK who cares?" I nodded my head. "You right.". After that we went home and I was ready to go to bed. I had school tomorrow and i wont tryna look ratchet so i went a head and got some sleep.


Can't Handle It (August Alsina Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora