Chapter 7: Begining of a Storm

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August's POV

I've been thinking about Destiny all day long. I love her so much. She is the best thing that ever happen to me. My friends think i'm crazy because I have never actually cared about a girl. I just hit em and quit em but Destiny is diffrent. What we got is real and I know it. Destiny said she's busy today so i'm gonna go over my nigga Richie's house.

Richies's POV

I been waitin for August to come over. Finally he showed up.

Me: Wassup my nigga

August: Nun destiny was busy so I figured I'd come over

me: You seem serious about her haha

August: Whats so funny dawg

Me: Cause yo, i know you. Ya'll have smashed before so why haven't you left her yet?

August: EXACTLY We smashed before so if i wasnt serious dont you think I would've left by now

Me: Yeah, I mean you right. I just can't believe you actually serious about a girl

August: Haha well believe it

We hung out and played the game for the rest of the day. I really can't believe how serious August is about Destiny. He finally fell in love. i never saw it coming to be foreal.

Destiny's POV

I told August I was busy hanging out with Chris yesterday so he would think I was trying to get to know his friends more but I was really at home all day. I didn't feel like hanging out with him. We got school today so i know im gonna see August.  So i got dressed and headed to school. When i got there i saw august with chris and richie. I walked over and hugged August. "Hey baby" He kissed me on the cheek. I smiled and went to class with them.  All class they were just talking and goofing around so I put in my head phones and turned my music all the way up so I couldn't hear them.

August's POV

Me and chris and richie were just goofin around. I noticed that destiny looked kind of stand off-ish and I figured something miht have happened yesterday.

Me: What's wrong with destiny chris?

Chris: He kinda of looked at me funny then laughed "I dont know nigga"

Me: Nothing happened yesterday?

Chris: He looked confused. "What are you talking about. What happened yesterday?"

Me: She told me ya'll were hanging out yesterday

Chris: Huh? I was with my mom all day yesterday. She came to visit."

I looked at dezy for a minute. but then I thought I probably just misunderstood what she said. Our phone was breaking up anyways. I just let it go. But the way she was acting it kind of made me wonder. But then I thought she would never do any thing to hurt me. She loved me. I love her to. I cant wait to see what the future holds for us

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