Part V ~ The Sea's Deliverance

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Psalm 56:3

What time I am afraid

I will trust in thee.

Now my fears are all dead.

With your face before me,

Only your face I see.

Mine enemies would

Daily swallow me

But that you are so good.

My protector is thee -

You fight to save me.

I will believe your word,

Never shall I fear.

For with your mighty sword

I feel you eve near -

Your calming words I hear.

The city of Atlantis had not changed. They were all too happy. Too care free.

They lived as if the Monster of Hades did not even exist.

Yet, Kasha still smiled on the city. Because even though everyone here was neither dead nor alive, they each owned their own soul. The Monster had not won yet.

Real joy was yet possible here.

They didn't stay in Atlantis long, but headed for their first visit – Casuarina's Corral. Kasha had some words to expand that woman's knitting.

This time Kisel and Patrick both followed Kasha at a distance. The hallway of Casuarina's home fascinated them both. Patrick mostly.

"Hello, child." The large lady face a small window from which she could see the world from outside. In her bubble of life, yet, she still felt the presence of the three. She stepped around. "Your trip was unsuccessful?" She smiled. "Or did fear overcome you all in the end?"

"Neither." Kasha said. "But the tunnel does not lead to life. It leads to bondage of the soul."

Casuarina raised her eyebrows. "Yes."

"You are not shocked?" Kisel stated.

"No." Casuarina sat down and picked up her knitting again. It had grown considerably since Kasha had been here last. But of what sort of knowledge? This lady sat here, day in day out only to know more, but what did she know? The cloth proved she knew a lot, but none of it mattered.

"And I suppose you knew the Monster of Hades lives there?" Kasha asked, just a little peturbed.

"I prefer to call him the Deceiver of Souls. But, yes, this I knew also. I must say you are the first I have ever seen that have resisted him."

Kasha smiled a little. "It started with him." She pointed to her brother. But then a little angry at being tricked she said, "Why did you mislead us?"

"I did not. You asked how to find life, and I told of what I knew. You did not ask of consequences or even details." But she only answered half heatedly. She was too intent at staring at Patrick.

Kasha wanted to shake this lady and show how dumb this logic was, but held herself in. It was obvious that even Casuarina was deceived.

Casuarina continued to look at Patrick. Nothing had surprised her in a long time. But this lad. "Him?" she walked over to Patrick and spoke. "Why did you do this, boy?"

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