The Spider and The Fly

Start from the beginning

There was a numbness, that took over a part of his brain. It was like he was floating in a cloud-like pool. He could feel the suffocation. He looked around at all the houses, one by one. None of them were familiar at all, yet they all looked the same. As far as he knew, there wasn't a neighborhood like this, not anywhere near his home; he would know he'd gone exploring everywhere. It was almost an instinctive exploration. A fight or flight reflex perhaps. Nicky felt cold eyes on the back of his neck, but when he turned around, know one was there. He felt goosebumps grow under his flesh, and he could practically hear his brother yelling at him to turn around and go back. He wasn't about to disagree with it. He spun on his heel and started walking back the way he came.

Like a scene out of a old horror flick, Nicky found himself going in circles. Well, at least that's what he began assuming. Nothing changed the longer he walked. The houses, all brown, and a little too inviting, never changed to the familiar neighborhood he remembered. At some point Nicky began running; going faster like there was a demon at his heels. When he glanced back over his shoulder his feet brought him to a holt. There was a shape forming in the distance, the more it walked towards him, the clearer it became. He'd thought the person might be someone out for a late afternoon stroll; he noticed there was a peculiar form to the figure.

It was almost hunched like some kind of animal. A gorilla? A bear? A dog? No, he didn't know what it was, but he could hear a horrible loud breathy noise come from it. Finally close enough to see, he wished he hadn't. There was saliva dripping down it's mouth, green mucus mixing in with the bubbling. Its eyes glowed bright l like the sun, Nicky knew not to stare at the animalistic figure for too long. It was sickening, the smell it eminated was like nothing he'd ever smelled before. It made him think of his brothers body, rotting away slowly in the ground.

Its lips curved up wickedly, in a mocking grin. The thing knew how to smile! It had giant claws and sharp teeth. He saw it sniff the air for a few seconds, which reminded him of the Jeepers Creepers creature, in the second film. Nicky jerked himself up and ran away faster.

The cold, dark, demonic eyes bore into his back. It's legs, thighs, and whole upper body was well muscled and popping. Dark grey and black fur blew in the breeze, whipping back in the rush of wind. Nicky's eyes darted around trying to find a way out. He searched for a recognizable neighbor. There was nobody outside. Another weird thing about the neighborhood.

He was running out of breath and energy. He couldn't figure out how he was running faster then the beast, he was greatful, but it wouldn't last long. He took another look over his shoulder, and the thing looked even more massive, it seemed to smile wickedly at him. It's sharp fangs glinted.

At the pace he was going, and the energy he was using, he would never outrun the thing. If he went into a house he doubted it would hold the beast off for long. Nicky decided to take a chance in the forest beyond the houses; at least it had a lot of coverage, maybe he could find some way to hide. He darted left and raced by the trees. He felt like he was moving faster then ever. He could no longer see the creature, but he heard it. Trees crashed together making loud chopping sounds. Leaves rustled as it's body ran through. Nicky had sweat bleeding down his face and body. At some point he'd ripped off his jacket, losing it behind him. His heart was pumping and he was afraid he'd drop it on the ground at some point.

He didn't know how it happened but he found himself cornered. Buildings had come up out of know where, blocking him in on all sides. He nearly hit the wall coming to a stop and swinging around.

He couldn't breath very well. His air was coming in and out on sharp gasps. His heart pumped so loud, he thought maybe his heart had been replaced, with a ticking time bomb. He looked all around afraid of where the monster was. The forest trees blocked out the sun, shading him in an almost midnight darkness. He tried hard to hear over his body. It was eerily quiet no snapping or rustling. Either he'd got lucky and lost it back there somewhere, or he was being stalked very quietly.

He went with the latter idea, and searched for a weapon. His eyes darted around looking in the grass hoping for a pointy stick, a rock, anything. He found a stone, but grabbing for it, he discovered, it was deeper under the dirt then he'd thought. It wouldn't budge. It lost it's appeal and he looked around. He heard a loud crack. He looked up and his breathing hitched. That thing was definitely near. It had set some kind of trap and like a fly he'd flown right into the web.

How would he get out of this? Was he to meet his twin again so soon? He couldn't stop thinking about Mandy though. If he was gone she would be all alone in their new world. She be stuck facing that Thing alone. He wouldn't allow it. He kept his eyes forward, and inched his way around crouched on the ground. He felt like an animal waiting for the fight. He heard some tall bushes move somewhere in front of him, just as his hand rubbed against something sharp. He wrapped his fingers around it, and yanked it out holding it in front of him like a sword. He held it, with both hands fisted gripping tight. It was a piece of broken glass, looked like it came from some window. He was shaking so bad, he wanted to hide under a rock until whatever it was disappeared.

There was no place to go, so he held his ground and stayed close to the wall. Nothing would sneak up behind him, so his focus would be on the open space before him; that didn't leave any opening for a quick get away. That could prove to be a real pain in the ass later, he thought.

He swore he heard something move to his left, then a snapping sound to his right. There'd been, what he thought was a shadow in front of him, so he pointed the shard straight forward. Nothing came out. It felt like fifteen minutes had passed, before the monster walked out. It crawled forward hunched. It could stand up, he thought, which meant it was much bigger when it stood on its hind legs. His hands shook. He felt sad thinking he was going to leave Mandy behind.

The creature had a sharp pointed nose, like it had a dagger sticking out of its huge body. The fur was thicker then he originally thought, the hair was dark and a little long, but it didn't hide those piercing evil eyes. This is a nightmare, he thought, any minute now Mandy would wake him up and he'd have to go to school. The idea didn't seem as bad, as what was happening at the moment.

It passed back and forth, as if it was mocking him. Taunting him. It knew he couldn't escape, he was cornered in a human venus fly trap. He was so in tuned to the monster, he almost hadn't heard the shuffling behind him that raised every hair on his body. Impossible! There was nothing but a wall! How could there be anything there? What if it was another beast crawling down the building? He had been at least somewhat confident he could put up a good fight with one, he was definitely dead facing two.

"It's your fault." A demonic scratchy voice, breathed into his right ear.

He knew it was a bad idea, but like some stupid teenager, in every horror movie he turned his head slowly to look over his shoulder. The beast used that opportunity to leap forward and sink it's teeth deep into his arm. That wasn't what made him scream however. It was Cody, standing right behind him smiling with disgusting, shark-like teeth. He was all dancing shadows playing in the darkness. His eyes weren't there, nothing but the black and soulless sockets. Before Nicky could blink and to his utter horror, two sharp blades sliced out of the cavity in his face, bleeding and oozing as they slowly slid out, cutting as it moved. The blades suddenly stopped. Everything was deadly quiet. Then quickly they darted forward aimed right for his face. He opened his mouth and screamed.

{And here it is everyone, the next chapter of the story. Don't worry, it's not the end. Working on the next chapter, and it's gonna get bloody. Hope everybody enjoys this part of the story, spent way too long writing and rewriting, then fixing and refixing. Urgh! Anyway here we are! Happy reading folks stay tuned for more.(Jeepers Creepers movies directed by Victor Salva, and Produced by Tom Luse and Barry Opper)}

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