As Mikaela walked out, he opened the chocolate bar, wafting a scent of the intoxicating, rich, sweet and delightful chocolate. Before setting the bar into his mouth, he took out a cigarette, lighting it with his newly bought lighter. Inhaling the musty scent of smoke, Mikaela sighed, blowing a puff of steam out. The chocolate bar was still placed on his right hand as he inhaled another taste of smoke.

"Chocolate," a squeaky voice called. Startled, Mikaela turned to his right to see a little girl, about the size of his whole leg (perhaps shorter?) looking up at him in fright. Mikaela furrowed his eyebrows as he noticed tears bawling out of her giant icy blue orbs which reminded him of his own. They were breathtaking and he now knew why everyone truly loved his eyes. Here we're just gorgeous.

"Oy, brat what the hell are you doing out here alone?" Mikaela questioned, placing the openly wrapped chocolate bar into the bag containing the milk and bread. She pouted suddenly, rubbing the corner of her eyes in a cutesy manner.

"I dunno," she whispered, sitting down on the crate of oranges, "bunny died," she sighed. Mikaela was contemplating if to just leave or stay. He was curious about the little girl but at the same time, wanted nothing to do with the brat.

"Bunny?" He asked, "your rabbit or something?" He asked. The raven haired beauty only nodded, not once looking up at Mikaela. "Well, where are your parents? Perhaps I could be kind enough to take you home," He answered. The girl stiffened her back, sighing for the millionth time.

"Sir, you don't understand, I don't have a home. Mommy is in jail and daddy died. I live on the streets but shhhhh, bunny told me that if I told anyone, they'll send me back to the place where the lonely kids go!" Lonely kids. Automatically, he thought of an orphanage. Did she not want to go there?

"Listen brat, you probably don't like that place but if you stay here any longer, somebody can hurt you, alright? So go inside and tell the nice man that you're lost," Mikaela answered, grabbing her small hand. The girl gasped, yanking her hand away from his large one.

"N-no! Please, I don't want t-to go!! Sister Shuska is really mean to me! She gives me booboos and and and-" before she could finish, the frightened child began crying, her soft whimpers heard only to Mikaela's ears. For once, he found himself feeling bad for someone and he never did. Only for himself. Mikaela sighed. He couldn't leave her there for a man to come and what, rape her? She was too tiny and too skinny. Mikaela suddenly grabbed the small child by the waist, taking her to his chest.

"You're coming with me than," he answered, "there's no in between, unless you'd like me to call the police, shut up," he grunted. The little girl looked straight into his face, smiling softly. She had never been carried they way Mikaela did.

"You're a big meany," she teased, wrapping her arms around his neck, "can I call you meany beany?" She giggled. What a change in mood.

"No, shut up."

"What about bunny?"

"Not a chance."


Mikaela stopped, his eyes widening.

"You can call me Shindo San, I'm an adult so respect me, I am not your father, are we clear?" He asked. The child pouted, rubbing her eyes.

"O-okay, where are we going?"

"My house."

"Are you gonna call the po?"



He growled in anger. She talked a lot.

Of course he was though he wasn't going to say that. If he did, she would surely scream.

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