Part 2 - Katara

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Next time I see the Northern Water Tribe Healers remind me to hug them, at the very least. Aang is healed thanks to their training and Spirit Water. Maybe a statue would be more appropriate, I'll have to talk to Master Pakku about it. Else, there's plenty of space in South, if I ever get home.

I can't believe Piandao recognised Aang! He has hair for La's sake! Though maybe our names are more spread around then we thought. Aang's name is obviously well known but if he recognised Aang just because he knew Sokka's name then we need to be more careful.

As I walk down the street I keep the my eyes to the ground. The Fire Nation village we're staying at is a sexist, male-dominated, soldier-run nightmare. It's worse than what the Northern Water Tribe was! The place is crawling with soldiers and I quickly learned that here women are seen but not heard. And it disgusts me. Toph hates it as well but agrees with Aang that we should keep a low profile and move on when we can.

But I don't understand the rush. The Fire Lord and Azula think Aang is dead; Zuko is dead. There is no one hunting us down anymore. But Sokka is Sokka and paranoid doesn't work very well with him. It's getting quite over-bearing. We need some thread so I offered to go buy it just to get it away him. Despite Sokka's protests I reasoned that I'd be the least suspicious buying thread compared to two boys or a blind girl who 'apparently' has no way seeing.

Just as I cross the street someone walks into me. Without looking up I try to keep walking but a voice calls me back.

"Oi! Traveller girl! Aren't you going to apologise for walking into this man! Stupid woman." It's the captain of the guards. There are no women allowed in his squadron even if Toph and (though I hate to say it) Azula with her cronies have proved women can be the greatest fighters of them all.

But I don't want to cause a scene. So I turn to the man behind. I'm about to apologise but the words get stuck in my throat. The man before me should not exist. He's supposed to be burnt beyond recognition. Zuko. He's dead.

"I'm sorry." I choke on the words. If I can get away quick enough I can follow him. Just wait until he's alone; then I'll get him.

Zuko looks up shocked. He nods his head at me, glances at the guard and walks off as fast as he could without causing suspicion. I take a turn and follow him from the back alleys. He runs into a house but what I see inside shocks me. Zuko is giving a woman medicine. Two young boys, twins, are laughing with each other. Something I haven't seen in this village very often.

The boys make me smile, I would've loved a twin. Sokka is the best older brother in the world but a twin would've been nice. I hope I'm able to have more than one child when I'm older, if not twins. Even though I've been told the pain is like nothing I would ever experience.

I decide to not tell the Gaang that Zuko's here. He's doing good and it'd just cause unwanted trouble. He's supposed to be dead for La's sake! But he's given me an idea. Tonight I'm going to save this village. Tonight, the Painted Lady lives again.

5 Hours Later

Once all the others were asleep I sneaked out. None of them had noticed the leaves I placed in their bowls. They'll wake up with a bad headache in a few hours. Which is enough time.

Zuko gave me the idea earlier when I saw him helping the family. Even though Aang will be disappointed with me, I'm going to save this village.

My costume wasn't hard to make. I'd kept the robes and hat, I just needed to find some more durable paint. As disgusting as it is I stole some guard's alcohol and mixed it in. It'll stay on better than last time.

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