Fangs out and Claws piercing my skin, it was when I found out Eric was a half blood,I felt myself give in.

" I hate you!! I Eric Woods Reject you Ashlyn danire as My mate!!" Eric yelled.

Pain, pain erupted in my heart and I shivered,I felt blood slide down my neck and the scenery changed

We were in the cell and I went to meet Eric. His claws were out and he lept forward, he sliced my throat and Coughed out blood.

Then the scenery changed again, I found out I was silenced and I couldn't speak, I died. I tried to run but  fell to the ground over a pool of blood.

Blood covered me as I  ran again, Screams surrounded me and yells from men echoed through the wind as It blew fiercely.

I felt as I tripped over something , I opened my eyes and saw those blue eyes under me. Eric, he was in a pool of blood and his eyes were wide open. A note lay on his chest and when I opened It, It said..

Dear Ashlyn,

I told you I would kill him -Ryan

I said I would fill your hair with something red -Sis

We told you he never wanted you-Mom and dad

I cried as I read the note over and over.

He never wanted me!! Ryan and Eric both hated me!!My family Hates me!!My sister hates me !!!

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