"So soon?" He says with a smile, I was about to answer when another beam hits me in the chest,

"Fuck!" I fall back, Akashi helps me up "And I thought I was cold" I chuckle, He does too. 

"C'mon" He says, I stand up. He grabs his scissors, "You give support?" He asks, I nod and cough a little, He runs forward and disappears behind a building, I place a sphere around the 2 demons. They give me a confused look before one of them snarls, I can feel their gazes start to shift as I can hear Akashi's footsteps, I can see one of the demons start to craft another beam, I smile and throw a rock at the sphere, They look back at me

"Nothings getting in or out of there bitch" I say, I see Akashi behind them, "You both weak anyway, Like seriously why the hell would you just STAND there," I start dropping the sphere slowly, Keeping their focus on me, Once its down completely Akashi throws a pair of scissors and one of them falls, As the second one turns I blast it with electricity, It lets our an ear piercing screech of pain then falls again, I walk over to Akashi, His eye goes from yellow to the same red. "Nice" He says

"You too" I answer. 

"Anyway, we're at the old mill? How do you know" He asks, I point over to the building

"Because it looks like one"  I say, He smiles

"Now where?" He asks, "Common and Major, I don't understand"  He adds

"The common places people will or, would visit and the most important parts of the village?" I suggests, He nods 

"Where first?" He asks, I think, The mental map I created of this place many years ago pops into my head, The most common. 

"The market?" I say "People would visit that every day" I say, He nods

"But how do we get there" He asks

"Follow me, Keep an eye out, we'll use the Buildings for cover" I say, He scowls but nods, "Sorry, You like being in control don't you?" 

"Don't worry about it, It just feels unnatural that's all" He says, I nod and start walking, Being quiet trying not attract attention. "How do you know where we're going?" He asks

"I just do," I say, I hear him sigh  "I'll explain later".

We get to the market and it's quiet, TOO quiet. 

"Now what?" He asks

"I don't know, we look around?" I ask,

"I'll look for the orb, You keep an eyes out" He says, I nod

'Be On guard'

'Of course' Mirai says,

"Tetsuya!" Akashi says, I turn and frown a little, The name bringing back more memories, More than this place already has. He holds up an orb, "Got it, where to next?" 

"A common place?" I stop and think, "or an important place, The police? Or sheriff as its most likely called?" He nods, I start walking again. This continues for a while, Killing demons and finding the orbs. We leave the village and walk up to the teacher, Blood trailing down my face, 

"How in the hell are you unharmed?" Kagami asks Akashi, I can hear the anger in his voice  

"One of those fuckers came up behind me, I hit my head on a rock, I'm okay" I say, My brother walks up to me and heals me, Akashi gives me a look, That's not what went down.


"We should go back now, We have all 5 orb things" I say, 

"Wait, How do you know the way around"

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