How Everything Started

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"Are you serious!?" I yelled with excitement at my mom. She nodded at me with a huge smile in her face.
"Mom, I can't believe it!!! You are the best mom ever!!" I ran towards her and hugged her as tight as I could.
"You can let go now honey" said my mom sounding a little bit out of breath. I quickly let go of her and looked at what I was holding in my hands, a ticket to a BTS fansign event. After staring at it for a few, long 5 minutes, I smile, look up at my mom and say "I love you" as I say this I start to walk to my room, I lay the ticket in my nightstand and start to change into my comfy, blue pj's my dad got me for Christmas last year. When I'm done, I open the book I always have sitting in my nightstand, open it to the first page and place my fansign ticket in there. After that I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and jump on the bed, falling asleep in a second. Next morning I wake up really early, around 8:00 AM, I check my phone and I have 4 missed calls from my mom.
"Why the heck would she call me at 7 if she's in the house and if she knows I'm sleeping??" I asked myself confused. I start to dial her number when my phone starts to ring, it was her.
"Morning!" I said sounding very tired
"Good morning honey, I'm pretty sure you are very confused right now aren't you?"
"Well, yes I am what's wrong? Did something happen?" I say this in a worried tone.
"Aww no honey everything is alright, it's just that today I got a call from my boss saying he needed me at work today and I won't be back until 5, that's why I was trying to call you, it was to let you know what was going on."
"What!? You won't be back until 5!? Mom, please tell me dad doesn't work today" I say this feeling my eyes start to burn due to tears of frustration and sadness trying to come out.
"Well, sadly he does work today. You know that Y/N, he works every Saturday." She says in a calm voice "Why? It's something wrong?"
"Yes mom!! There is something wrong!" I kinda yelled at her sounding a little bit nervous
"Today mom today," I said sobbing "Is when the BTS fansign event will be held, and it'll start at 3 by the time your here it will already be over!!" I yell over the phone at her sounding like a rainbow of emotions, mad, sad, and frustrated.
"Okay let's set somethings up; one: lower your voice tone you're yelling at me, and two: I'm sure there's someway u can go, for example you can go walking" she says trying to sound cheerful.
"Mom, the place where the event will be held is like 8 miles away from he house, I'll never make it." Sadness taking over me at this point.
All of the sudden I start to hear yelling on the background. Quickly my mom says "Honey got to go the boss is coming we'll talk about it later bye!!! Love you!!" Without letting me say a word back to her she hangs up and the call ends.
----------------End of First Chapter------------

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