The Note

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I woke up the next day still tired from what happened yesterday. I got up to go to the bathroom and washed my face. Then I went to check my phone and saw a text from Yoongi.

Y: "Hello beautiful!😍 how did you sleep?"

Y/N: "Aw hello handsome!💘 I slept okay. I was tired which helped me fall asleep fast but thoughts kept running through my mind. But, how did you sleep?"

Y: "Aw I'm sorry, hopefully you sleep better tonight. I slept good, even though the others were being super loud"

Y/N: "haha poor baby, I'm going to go take a shower I'll text you later okay?❤"

Y: "okay baby girl, I love you💞"

Y/N: "I love you too💜"

After, I went to the closet and grabbed something to wear, I made sure they were comfy. When I was done I went downstairs to meet my parents and eat a little bit.

"What would you like to eat?" My mom asked

"Hmmm.....just some coffee, thanks"

My mom looked concerned but still listened to what I said. I drunk my coffee and went back to my room, grabbing my phone and going back downstairs.

"Hey mom, do you mind if I go out to walk a little bit? I just think it would help me get rid of my annoying thoughts"

She nodded, I in shock nodded a "thank you" and went outside. Really fast I texted Yoongi to ask him if he could come meet me in the Central Park and he agreed, which made me already happy. To save time I started to walk there since it wasn't too far from my house.

                                          ~°Time Skip°~

"Hello!" Said a voice behind me. I quickly turned around and saw Yoongi smiling happily. He checked me top to bottom and pulled me in for a hug.

"Wow....I have a beautiful girlfriend" he said in a soft voice which made me have shivers down my spine.

"I guess I can say the same about my boyfriend" I say smiling and kissed him softly.

He kissed me back and hugged me tightly. I don't know how but, he always knows how to comfort me, no matter the situation. We both walked to a bench and got comfortable.

"You can start ranting, I'm here"

After he said that a bunch of tears started to come down my face. He quickly hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"I-I just l-loved her so m-much"  I sobbed, filling his shirt with my salty tears.

He kept comforting me until I was done ranting and crying. I pulled away from him to catch my breath and saw how wet his black, cotton shirt was.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Yoongi!" I say wiping my tears to not ruin his shirt any more.

"Hehe it's fine don't worry" he smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

"I'm not letting you go home like that, it's already getting cold" I grabbed his hand, pulled him up from the bench and started to walk home.

"Y/N it's fine, don't worry" I shook my head and kept walking.

I could hear him laugh behind me, so I laughed too. When we got home, to my surprise the key was under the rug. Scared I went in and saw a note on the table so I ran to read it.


Honey, we went to plan the funeral stuff. We heard it was really busy so we went early, but we might be back late anyways.
~Dad & Mom

"Is it something bad?" Yoongi asked concerned

"No they just went to plan the funeral, they said they might be home late though"

After I said that his concerned face washed away, and the only thing I could see on his face now was a smirk.

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