"Ow... I didn't notice that I bumped into a beautiful lady like yourself." He smiled which gave me the creeps. "Why don't you commit a double suicide with me?" I could see that his eyes were glittering.

"No can't do. I already have a boyfriend and I don't want to die." I said as I crossed my arms. "Aw... What a waste..." He pouted. Ah! I forgot that I need to find a doctor.

"Um... You're Dazai right? Do you know if there's a doctor nearby?" I asked. I guessed he was shocked when I knew his name. But he soon smiled at me.

"Of course! Why do you need a doctor, if I may ask?"

"Yuki-chan is sick! So I have to find a doctor quick!"

Dazai's POV

Yuki-chan is sick?! What happened?! I quickly took out my phone and dialed Yosano.

"What do you want, Dazai?"

"I need you and Kaori-chan ASAP!" I said.

"Huh? Why?" I heard Kaori on the other side of the phone.

Dazai : "Because Yuki-chan is sick!"

Kaori : "She's what?!"

Dazai : "Yeah! So you and Yosano need to come here very quick!"

Yosano : "Why would I help an enemy?"

Kaori : "Yu-chan is not an enemy! She's my friend! You got to help her!"

Yosano : "Sigh... Fine. Dazai, where are you?"

I turned to this girl. "Where is she?" I asked. She seems to be in deep thought until she spoke which made me surprised.

"She's in Port Mafia! You know where it is right? Please follow me!" She said as she pulled my sleeve.

Dazai : "Well... You heard her."

Yosano : "What?! There's no way I'm going there. If I do, the others should come along as well! And I won't be going there to heal, me and the others will finally defeat Port Mafia!"

Dazai : "Yosano. Just this once, don't harm them. Yuki-chan is sick and I want to help her. I'm sure Kaori wants her friend to feel better.

Yosano : "Tch! Fine. Let's go, Kaori."

Then, Yosano hung up the phone and we have arrived at Port Mafia. Sigh... It's been a long time since I've been here...

This girl then led me to a room, which I presume is Yuki's room. She burst opened the door and panted. The others turned towards us and gave a glare.

"Akane, I told you to find a doctor, not him." said Chuuya. I just smiled at them.

"I'm sorry! But he said he knows a doctor and she is coming here soon!" She said. And right on time, yellow light surrounded the room and Kaori-chan and Yosano appeared.

"Sigh... I can't believe I'm in an enemy base..." Yosano sighed as she went closer to the bed. But they quickly stopped in front of her.

"We're not letting you near her." said Chuuya but Kaori was already next to the bed.


When Kaori called out Yuki-chan's name, her eyes slowly opened. "K-kaori...?" Her voice was hoarse. 

"If you want her to feel better, all of you get out." said Yosano as she pushed all of us out, except for Kaori was had tears streaming down her cheeks.

Kaori's POV

"Can you help her?" I asked Yosano who had closed the door. 

"I'll try." She check Yu-chan but soon stopped what she was doing.

"What's wrong?" I asked, slightly worried.

"I can't check her with my ability. It's like she's stopping me from using it." She said and I was shocked. "How?"

"*cough* I-i'm sorry... It seems that... I can't... control my abilities... well... So... one of my ability... which is Dazai's... And his ability... is to nullify... others... And... I think... it nullified... yours..." said Yu-chan. She could barely even talk!

"Tch... Just great... If that is the case, I can't do much. All you have to do is to rest." said Yosano as she patted Yu-chan's head. "Get well soon, so we can take you back to the Agency." 

Yu-chan gave a small smile. "I would... like... to... see you... try..."

"Sigh... Kaori, can you take me back? You could stay here and look after her if you want to. I'll tell the president the situation." said Yosano and I nodded. I put my hand on her shoulder and sent her back to the Agency. When she left, I faced Yu-chan again.

"Yu-chan... What happened to you...?" There was sadness in me. Just what happened to her... How could she be so pale?

"I'm sorry... I will... tell you... in a further... time..." She said and closed her eyes. She was fast asleep.

I changed the towel on her forehead with a new one. I took a stool and sat next to her. I was holding her hands in mine. 

Please get better soon, Yu-chan...

I think this is the worst chapter I have ever written. But if you guys like it, thanks. Look forward to the next chapter.

Peace out! 

𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙚 - 𝙗𝙨𝙙 | 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙Where stories live. Discover now