Random Facts 101

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Here are just some random facts:

-In Japan, the is such thing as tomato paste flavored candy.

-Tipping a waitress or waiter is not expected in Japan, if you still want to tip them, then just explain.

-There is a museum in Japan that has rocks with faces. Here is a link to the museum: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/11/29/national/online-fame-drives-visitors-saitama-museum-sporting-rocks-faces/#.WerUKoFSy00

-To say bread in Japanese, it is the same you way you say bread in Spanish (pan).

-Some animals of Japan include the Dwarf flying squirrel, Okinawa rail, Japanese Black bear, and the Japanese hare. Japanese wolves are extinct, they have the same reason why wolves were eliminated in some parts of the US. 


That's all. This was very crappy but please don't judge. Comment some suggestions or if any of the facts are inaccurate!  また今度。

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