"Do you want to walk around Central Park?" She asked. "Have you ever been there?"

I shook my head, "No, I've been there and I have no plans on doing it in the middle of the night."

She was disappointed but I know she didn't want to show it. I wanted to go along but I didn't want to give her much of a satisfaction that instant.

"Just an idea. I'd really love to have you around when I go there. And I kind of want to go there now." She finally let go of my other arm, which, I quickly put in my pocket.

Taylor had no problem with the cold, I usually don't but it was unfortunate enough that I chose thin clothing for my top. I've been used to far worse than this, but maybe my stay in America changed that as well.

"How far is it if we walked?" I asked.

She shrugged, her shoulders going up and down playfully more than a few times. "Just a coupe of blocks."

"Wouldn't it be easier if we drove there?" I quizzed.

"Then that would take the fun out of everything. Chances are, I'll fall asleep in your car. You know me, I fall asleep everywhere."

Well, she is not wrong about that.

I am absolutely going to regret what I am about to say.

"Right, just let me get my jacket from my car, and we'll get going. It's bit cold." That was an understatement, it's too cold as autumn is already coming to a close and winter is on its way.

Her lips pulled up to a smile, "Really?"

"Always wanted to see if New York is a city that never sleeps," I said even though I think I already know the conclusion to that thought.

"It never does," she replied and laughed. "Where's your car parked again?"

"Right at the corner, you know, that old tree with a tire swing?" I asked, quite unsure as maybe, I saw things incorrectly earlier.

"Good choice because that is near Jessa's house," she commented and started walking on ahead to that direction. As she does, she started tying her hair in a ponytail. "Why do you tolerate me?"

I looked around, taking one notice to the peaceful suburbs and the awfully low temeperature before asking her to repeat the question, which she did right after.

"You grew on me," I answered, I could barely think of other wordings that could explain why I come with her to places and such.

"That's it?"

I looked down at the ground with a smile growing on my lips. Alright, if she wants a direct answer. "Hasn't it occurred to you yet that I like you?" I gave her a glance and looked away immediately as I didn't want to see the look of confusion painted upon her face.

A fair number of steps were made when she chose to settle in silence. I never really did have back-up conversation topics to talk about with her so no words came out. It was until she spoke again.

"It occurred to me." She took a deep breath, "I just -- wow, I never thought I'd hear it too blunt and straightforward from you." Her voice reverted into a whisper, maybe she was shy or it's simply the way she talked, I couldn't really decide.

"True, I'm not a man of honest words," I said. "But, my actions would reflect what I want to say."

"Right now, I don't know what you want to say because you've been averting your gaze."

So she'll only believe it if I was looking directly at her? I didn't get that little point but alright, I'll let her settle for her beliefs.

"Look, it's just a weird confession when you're not even looking at --"

Right Into Placeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن