I take in all the flaws and imperfections like the fact that one of my eyes is bigger then the other. Or that my nose is to big and wide it looks like It doesn't belong on my far too small face. Then there's my pale skin and the dark purple bags under my eyes that always seem to be there no matter how much I sleep. There's also my fat body and short chubby legs on my wide waist. There's not a single thing I find myself liking about my body not even my hair that I spend so much time and money on just for it to look dead and dry. I walk out of the bathroom and bump into a hard figure I quickly sign ' I'm   sorry ' and start walking away. "Not so fast freak" I hear Dean's dad say coldly as his hand latch around my wrist . Wait Dean's Dad what's wrong with him he seemed like an ok guy stern but still ok. "You know at first I felt sorry for you  because you have to have my pathetic excuse of a son as a mate but then I realized you two couldn't be any better each other you both pathic wastes of air" he says and pushes me to ground. Was this why Dean was so tense around him? "Hey uh Winter are you ok I heard a crash" I hear Dean say still in the room probably wondering why I'm taking so long in the bathroom. ' Um yeah I just trip over my feet you know me always clumsy ' I say in the mind link trying to sound normal. "Ok but you need to be more careful I hate seeing you hurt" he calls back and I nod before realizing he can't see me and quickly tell him I'll bee there in a second. "Don't tell Dean about our little talk you got it mute" Mr. Whitestone says before walking back to wherever he was before.

I awkwardly walk back to Deans room unsure of what just happened and why it happened he seemed like an ok guy maybe not the most affectionate but still ok. I never expected Dean's father to be mean I mean him and his mom are so kind and accecting.His dad in the other hand not so kind and accepting. "Hey you ok what took you so long" Dean says as I walk in I instantly blush still feeling slightly confused about   how to feel. ' Oh yeah sorry I zoned out while walking then I fell and we'll yeah here I am ' I say awkwardly. "Why are you being so awkward this isn't our first time talking to each other" he says a jokingly. I take a smile and nod before apologizing and sitting down on the bed we've pretty much been camping out in his room since we've been here, when you get down to it that's all we do at my house anyways. Dean gives me a knowing look and I sigh "what's up" he says and I look away. ' oh Nothing just thinking ' I say it's not totally untrue I mean I am thinking. "Care to explain" he asks dragging out the first and last words. ' Nothing really just thinking about stuff ' I say and I can tell I'm not giving the answers he wants but how am I supposed to tell him that his dad had a not so nice talk with me in the hallway. " Ok I guess.. Do you wanna watch another movie" he asks this time he puts in a random scary movie. Let me tell you I get scared really easily and scary movies aren't the best thing with me unless you like getting the life squeezed out of your arm.

The weekend went by slowly I ended up coming home on Sunday because Dean had pack stuff to do. It was Monday now and I'm walking school with my head low hoping nobody will notice me. Mostly just hoping Britney and Josh won't notice me. "Hey freak why didn't you answer my texts I really hurt my feelings" Britney says in a baby voice pretending to be offended that I didn't text back. She pushes me to the floor and kicks my ribs repeatedly many people stop to see what's going on but nobody helps me mean who wants to help the mute freak and become the next target. " Hey leave her alone" I hear Pete say britney suddenly stops kicking me and I look up to my brother silently thanking him. " Why should I shes a freak" Britney says and I can hear the hate in her voice I don't even know what I did to her. It's like shes hated me from the second I walked into this school and I don't understand it. " well that's my sister your talking about so you should probably stop" Pete says staying calm as usual he's always calm no matter what. " How is this thing your sister  your so hot and well shes so ugly she hardly looks human" Britney hisses in anger at what I don't know. " You know what we don't have time for you come on Winter lets go"Pete say grabbing my hand and pulling me away from  from her.

His Mute MateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon