Chapter 1

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I'm not lazy, I'm just highly motivated to do nothing.

Kigamki Natsuru

"Join this club!"

"You're not Japanese unless you're part of this club."

"In this club we only swim free."

"Baseball club sign up over here."

Ignored the yelling club people and headed straight towards the basketball sign up area, and let me tell you it sucked, big time. I mean there's a bunch of human beings bumping me as a try to squeeze my short figure through the crowd.

After a few hours of doing this, (in reality it's only been 2 minutes), I decided to go take a seat on the bench that was under a shady tree. Once I was seated a let out a long breath as a wiped the nonexistent sweat from my forehead. Well that should count as my monthly work out.

Once I was comfortable on the bench I pulled out a box of Strawberry Pocky before sticking a piece in my mouth not bothering to chew it, just letting it hang there for a few moments. After a while I decided to eat it since my jaw grew tired.

A few pocky's later, I felt a presence above me making me open my eyes, which I had closed a few minutes earlier, my green eyes meeting a pair of bright violet ones.

"Can I have one? I ate all mines and I'm hungry." Asked the Titan above me. I closed my eyes back and pulled the box closer to me not wanting to share my sweets with anyone at the moment.

"No, go eat a human or something." I lazily said feeling myself grow tired. On second thought..."You know what here, you can have it. I wanna nap." I raised up and box and yawned as a saw the Lavender haired giant's eyes light up.

"Really? Thanks." He said with a small smile on his face grabbing the box and walking off leaving me to rest under the tree.

Eh I'll join the Basketball club later, it's not like it's going anywhere. And with that final thought a dozed off.


I woke up 3 hours later and saw that the entrance was practically abandoned now, excluding the few clubs that were still packing up their belongings.

I got up and stretched before heading towards where the basketball sign up place was held, silently hoping that they were still there and not at home since I really didn't want to look for them tomorrow morning.

Walking up towards the fountain where the mini map said they should be I saw a Grey haired man and a black hair boy packing up their booth as they talked about how interesting the new first years they met were.

Once he reached the booth he tapped the black haired boys shoulder, causing him to jump slightly before turning to face me. "Yes?" He asked with a small smile on his face.

"Is this the basketball club?" A mumbled, looking up at him from between my bangs. Once I saw him nod I asked him can I sign up.

"Uh, sure..I guess. What were you doing earlier?" He asked as he reached into his bag and pulled out a paper along with a pen.

"Sleeping." Was all I said as I grabbed the pen and paper. I mentally signed since I felt my right had tingle meaning it is asleep. Seeing that my right hand is my dominant hand, I shook it slightly before gripping the pen choosing to ignore the stinging.

After I filled out the paper the Grey haired man told me to be at the gym tomorrow at 3:20. I sighed before nodding and telling him I'll be there, then walking away.

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