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He sat on the blue strings which coated the 'ceiling' like a spiders web, but with far more gaps. His eye was trained on the blank space below him, watching for any sign of movement, his tentacles tightly gripping the strings behind him so he didn't fall. Nightmare, the god of negative feelings was waiting for Error.

He sighed, this was getting ridiculous. The glitch hadn't been anywhere for the past few days. It was like the multi-verse had suddenly erased him. And it wasn't like Nightmare hadn't been trying to get in contact with Error. He had spent hours in the anti-void waiting, and even stayed alert incase he felt the special mix of sadness and anger that came from worlds Error was destroying. Error had just disappeared. 

Nightmare almost thought that the glitch had died. But surely there would be some sort of explosion as Error's magic tried to save his dying body? Maybe there had been and Nightmare hadn't noticed. Though it would be an amazing coincidence, for Error to die on the exact day Nightmare decided to seek him out.

Nightmare drummed his fingers on his knee. He wasn't known for his patience, and days spent sitting in the same spot waiting for something to happen was making him doubt if he should even bother asking for Error's help. But he knew that the glitch was the only one who could destroy an entire world.

He eventually stood up, deciding to snoop around and see if he could find any hints as to where Error had gone, and if not he would assume him dead and move on. Using his tentacles he moved between the strings, looking for anything that wasn't a puppet. The things creeped him out with how much like the real person they looked. When Nightmare stared at them it always felt like their dead button eyes were staring back. Nightmare was not going to get close to any of them. Though it would be just like Error to hide the hint as to where he went in a place Nightmare wouldn't want to look. Nightmare was almost about to go and reluctantly examine the puppets before his gaze caught on what looked like a cocoon made out of Error's strings. Grinning in satisfaction he began to make his way towards it.

The 'cocoon' was half the size of Nightmare, and was tightly woven. Nightmare wasted no time in attacking it with his tentacles, but his attempts to tear the string failed. Mumbling about stupid magic string he used his tentacles to steady himself as he leant forward with his hands and tried to push the strings out of the way. Eventually, he felt something that wasn't string. He tightly grasped it and pulled it out. Then threw it away instantly when he saw it was one of Error's puppets.

He kicked the cocoon as a sudden flame of anger surged inside him. The cocoon was more solid than he assumed and he had to clench his teeth to not to make a sound. Before he could attack it again, the sudden thump of the puppet hitting the floor snapped him out of his anger. Glancing down at the floor, Nightmare decided to at least take a closer look at the puppet, and quickly teleported down to the ground.

The puppet lay unmoving on the ground as he approached it. He slowly picked it up, filled with confusion. The Ink puppet was as carefully made as all of Error's puppets, but didn't have button eyes. A puppet of the creator, Nightmare couldn't help but grin as he stared at it, his quick brain making lots of assumptions. Sure that Error would return sometime, he tightly grasped the puppet with a tentacle and teleported back up into the sea of strings. You'll return for this eventually, Nightmare thought, and when you do I'll be waiting.

Author's Note.

So, this is a whole week late.

I had a bit of a writer's block and a lot of homework too, but I finished it eventually!

The next chapter should be out very soon, and it'll actually be about Error and Ink too. But hey, all good books have side plots!

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