"Let's gank some ghost."


"So how do we know who the ghost is? Both could've gone vengeful for a bunch of reasons." Jayde was positioned in her corner of the back seat, looking out the window as trees and small buildings zoomed by.

"Dean and I figured it was the wife, Jeff buried her under the house when she died."

"So where'd he go?"


"Well alright then." Jayde let her fingers wrap around the shotgun shells and small bullet in her pocket. It was weird, holding ammunition again; a few years ago she would've had her ass kicked for even looking at a weapon, let alone holding one. The shotgun rested in her lap comfortably, the cold gun in her jeans pressing against her skin and sending shivers up her spine.

"Hey Jay, when did you get so good with a gun?" Dean had turned around as the car slowed to a stop at a traffic light. "Dad never really let you touch them, and sure, you fired them once or twice, but that was by accident."

"I just sorta watched you guys I guess. When I.... left," Jayde had begun to blush profusely now, "I went on a couple hunts and practiced a bit. I never knew when or if I'd ever need to know how to take a shot. I have a gun stashed under my bed too, just in case."

Sam and Dean looked at her, a bit of regret in their eyes; had they really made their sister think she could be in danger at all times?

The cars behind began to beep when the traffic light went green and the Impala hadn't moved. Dean quickly turned to continue driving, leaving behind an awkward silence that would no doubt lead to a serious conversation. Sam and Dean would ask why she'd been hunting, which would lead to questions about why she ran away from the life if she obviously loved it, which would lead to an explanation about Dad that she wasn't prepared for.

The car stopped in front of an old house, painted new. The white wood was bathed in light from the streetlamps, a bright yellow being reflected on the small bits of police tape that had since been torn down. The three stepped out of the car and walked up to the patio, about to climb the stairs.

"Dean goes through the back door, Sam and I take the front?" Jayde had never really planned a hunt with other people, but had always imagined what it would be like were she allowed to go with Sam and Dean. The two brothers nodded, both pulling out the lock pick sets from their coat pockets. Dean kept his gun steady as he approached the back of the house and disappeared from view. Jayde and Sam made their way up the steps, the girl pointing her shotgun at the door ready to shoot if welcomed by a ghost.

Hearing the familiar clicks lock into place Sam pushed open the door to a relatively clean living room, a small kitchen visible through the open door. Jayde walked in with her gun still raised, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up. Sam came in behind her, feeling the chill as well.

"Gotta be a ghost, there's like a 20 degree drop in here. Dean?" Sam had called out when there was a sound in the kitchen , the scraping of wood against tile. After a moment the hunter pushed the door open and joined his siblings.

"Someone blocked the door with the table- geez it's cold!"

One of the floorboards creaked under the weight of all three of them, the moan making Jayde jump slightly; not that she was afraid.

"Alright, apparently Helen tried to give birth in the basement where she was buried, so we just gotta find the door."

"There was nothing 'round back, it's gotta be in here." The three split up, Sam venturing into the kitchen, Dean moving to the stairs and Jayde getting on her hands and knees in the living room. She felt for anything wrong; a loose nail in the wood, a broken or slat, anything that could possibly be a trapdoor.

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