Chapter 1

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7 years ago, (Y,N) POV

Me and my dad were sitting on the swing in the playground. "Hey dad," he looked at me, "You never told me what exactly your job is."

He reached over and ruffled my (Y,HC) hair, "You're not old enough to hear about it kiddo. And your mother wouldn't ever approve."

I pushed his hand away, "But I know I'm old enough, and I promise I won't tell mom!" I protested.

He sighed, "Do you know about spies son?"

"You mean James Bond and all that stuff?"

"No, not like that. You see, I-" he pointed to himself, "- am an actual spy, a great one in fact. The reason I occasionaly visit you and your mother is to protect you. The two people I love the most."

"Alright then, I get it now! But, do you have any cool gadgets?" I asked him curiously.

He reached his hand into his coat pocket, "You know, I was planning to give this to you on your 11th birthday but-" he brought out a golden pocketwatch, then he held it out to me.

I took it, "Well, I guess spies need a way to tell time I guess?" I said looking at the object sheepishly.

My old man chuckled, "Well, that it can't do, but open it." He told me.

I popped the pocketwatch open. Instead of the face of a clock, there was a circular, light-blue bar. I looked at my dad with an eyebrow raised. He reached over and pressed the winder and, instantly, starting from my fingers that were touching the watch, I became invusible. "Okay, now this, is cool and incredibly weird at the same time." I said staring at my invisible hand.

"That has a time limit though, you have only one minute," my dad said pointing at the bar, it was slowly depleting, "In that time, use your invisibility wisely. Don't rely on it too much and also it recharges itself when you're not using it. Last things don't show it to anyone, don't lose it, that's basically a family heirloom." He told me before pressing the button again, and I was now visible. "Well, we got to go," he said looking at his wristwatch, "Quick, before your mother gets mad."

I pocketed the watch as we started on the journey back home.

Present Day

"(Y,N)!!! Wake up! Breakfast is ready!" My mother's voice yelled from downstairs. I yawned as I slowly sat up, sleepily rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I swung my legs off the side of my bed and stood up walking over to my closet and opened it. I began browsing for a shirt I like, then I saw my father's suit that was given to me after he died, I swatted the memory away and moved it aside and pulled out a black, long-sleeved shirt. I took off my current shirt and wore the newer one. Then I left my room.

I ran over to the kitchen to smell freshly, cooked eggs and bacon and buttered toast. "Take a seat, (Y,N)." My mother walked over and sat down on one of the chairs. She was wearing a yellow dress under her flowery apron, I pulled out one of the chairs before we both heard someone ringing our doorbell.

"I'll get it." I told my mom. I ran through the living room and into the entrance hall. I opened the door to a tall, man in a black suit, his hair was combed backwards and was wearing a pair of sunglasses.

"Can I come in?" He said in a deep voice while taking off his sunglasses exposing dark-brown eyes.

"Who is it (Y,N)?" My mother appeared behind me.

"Ah, hello ma'am. I'm Agent Keating, but you can call me Maverick. We have to talk about your son here." He said showing us a badge.

"If that's the case then come in, join us for breakfast." My mother said moving aside to let Maverick in.

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