Chapter 4- A New Home?

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Chapter 4- A New Home?

I must have cried myself to sleep on Will’s shoulder, because I found myself opening my eye.

“She is waking up. She is waking up.”

“Back up guys she has been through a lot today.” I heard Will’s voice, but didn’t see where it was coming from.

I stood up, shaking my head,”Where am I?” I asked looking around.

Will pushed through the crowd,” Are you ok, Bethany? This is SHOP, safe house for powers. It’s meant for kids whose parent are not longer with us or off at war. Amy and I started it three years ago and as you can see it has attracted a lot of people since then.”

“Oh ok. I’m tired.” I said.

“Oh yes of course does anyone have an open room?”

A girl with short red hair and freckles answered,” Why don’t we just check her bracelet, then we will know which power she is and where to place her.” She reminded me of Sarah who had known everything. The girl walked over to me a tried to look at my charms, but Will stepped right in front of me and added,” She can just take Amy’s room for tonight.” He sounded very nervous.

“Come on Beth, follow me.” I followed trying to keep up with his swift pace.

We were a long way down a hallway before Will said anything,” Sorry about that, but they can’t know about you. Not yet any way. They don’t need to know that you are the star. I want you to feel at home her before they know. Ok?”

“Ok I get it. Are Emma, Chloe, and Carter here yet?” I asked.

“Yes, but they are busy with more test to find out what power they are. you can’t see them now. Sorry. Tomorrow, I promise.” He was quite for a while, but then we came to two doors. “Here we are. This is Amy’s room, but don’t worry about her, she will be fine. And if you have any problems I’m next door.”

“Sounds good.” I walked into the bedroom.

It was big, really big. It was shaped like an octagon. The whole room was covered in plants. It was so covered you couldn’t even see the walls. There was two giant tree on each side of the room, they were so big that there were holes in the ceiling and the trunk when out of the room. A latter followed the tree out of the room. I walked over to the largest tree and started to climb. The latter went up for at 30 feet. When it stopped there was a huge branch that had the most breathe taking view ever.

I walked back down the latter. I needed to take a shower; I couldn’t just sit around anymore. This was my last day off. I needed to learn to control my powers so they could be of use. If someone like me only come very other century or so I could just sit back and wait for a another star to come.  All of this went through my head as I was suds from my body. I turned off the water and raped a towel around my wet body.

I scurried out of the bath room. I was searching for my bag, when I remember that Will took it when we left the orphanage. I had no idea where my clothes were, and I couldn’t put my old clothes back on again because they got wet as I stepped out of the shower.

I franticly thought when the door opened, only a crack at first. Then more and more until it was all the way opened. I didn’t know what to do. I was naked except for the towel.  I quietly jumped on the bed facing the wall and not the door so the intruder could only see my back.

The sounds of the boys voice was shocked, ”Ohh! I’m sorry- I didn’t realize – I have your bag. You need clothes…I guess.”

“Thanks, I’ll be right back,” I snatched the bag and ran out of the room.

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