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I want to be with you

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I want to be with you

STORYLINE: You're Bellamy's shy best friend and on unity day, the alcohol is just too much.

You never liked unity day. Too many people and too loud. Two things you didn't like. So being part of the 100 was your living hell. Living with 100 people was too much for you and the delinquents didn't knew what silence was.

You didn't had many friends down here on earth. You were shy, so making friends was not easy for you. But Monty, Jasper and Octavia made you feel comfortable, like you could be yourself with them, without being judged. And of course, your best friend Bellamy.

You and Bellamy had known each other since kids. You lived next to the Blakes and your mother was best friends with Aurora. You were very close with Octavia, you even got arrested for trying to save her, but since a young age you felt a special bond with Bellamy and him with you. And now on earth you felt that bond more strongly. But in a different way.

"Come on, is unity day. Loosen up a little!" Jasper said. It was unity day and the boy was trying to convince you to drink Monty's specialty. Moonshine. But you weren't one to drink, you actually thought the taste was disgusting. But you were actually considering drink a little. The reason: Bellamy Blake.

You were watching your best friend, at the other side of camp eating an apple and flirting with a girl or the other way around. But it didn't matter, he was laughing so he was enjoying it. You didn't knew since when you started feeling something for him, but you did and it was driving you crazy. You wanted to tell him, but you were too shy and too afraid to do it. You didn't want to ruin the friendship, so you had to suck it up and deal with it.

"Jasper she said no." Octavia said from beside you.

"Actually, I'll take a sip." You said, surprising your friends. Jasper and Monty laughed and handed you a cup.

"What?" Octavia said looking at you as you drank a long sip from it. "Y/n, if this is because of my brother, stop it."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Octavia knew you very well, so she knew about your feeling for her brother. Also she was not blind or stupid, she saw how you looked at him. And she also saw how her brother looked at you.

By the end of the night, you were pretty wasted and couldn't even stand straight. You, Monty and Jasper were drinking around the fire with other people playing a game that you didn't even remembered what it was, and Octavia had disappeared.

You took a look to where you had last saw Bellamy, not surprised to see that he was no longer there. He's probably having fun in his tent with the other girl, you thought to yourself. You were about to drink another sip from your drink, when someone took the cup from you. You looked up to see Bellamy's brown eyes.

"Take this." He said, handing the cup to Monty, who was sitting next to you. He took it and Bellamy grabbed your arms pulling you up. "You're coming with me."

"What? Bell, no." You protested, while he dragged you toward his tent.

"You've had enough to drink." You huffed and stopped, crossing your arms over your chest, making tantrum like a child. But Bellamy picked you up and placed you over his shoulder, as you let out a scream. "Try not to puke."

The two of you entered his tent and he placed you down on your feet, your head was spinning and your stomach was not too good either. "I have my own tent, you know?"

Bellamy had never seen you drunk - Well, it was your first time too, - and he didn't liked one bit. "Why were you drinking? You hate alcohol." He asked, while looking for a shirt that you could wear to sleep.

"I thought you were having fun." You said. "With that... blonde." Bellamy looked at you confused. Were you jealous? He thought to himself. "What does she have that I don't?" You were definitely jealous and if the sober you could see you, she would slap you hard in the face. "What does every girl in this camp have that I don't?"

Bellamy was frozen looking at you, he couldn't believe your words. "What are you talking about?"

You took a drunk step closer to him. "I like you Bell, and I don't want to be just your best friend. I want to be more."

If he was frozen before, he was definitely dead now. You were his shy best friend, so this side of you was completely new for him, but he couldn't help but feel happy for your confession. He liked you too, but he never thought that you liked him more than a friend. So he used the other girls as an escape from his feelings. "You're drunk, you don't know what you're talking about." He said, remembering your current state.

You took a few more steps, stopping right in front of him. "I want to be with you." He didn't said anything. "I can be better than the other girls." You said, taking off your jacket and then your black top.

Bellamy looked at you shocked. He had seen you in a bra before, but to his surprise, you weren't wearing one. He felt you leaning in, your lips almost touching his, and all he wanted was to kiss you, but he couldn't. "Y/n, stop it." He said, but you didn't stopped and he didn't made a move to stop you either.

Your lips were just about to touch, when you felt a wave of nausea crawling toward your throat. "I think I'm going to puke." The moment you said it, Bellamy grabbed your shirt from the floor, putting it in front of your chest and dragged you out of the tent, where you puked everything out.

When you were done, he brought you inside again and helped you dressing a shirt of his and taking off your pants. He gave you a kiss on the forehead and made you laid down on the blankets. But before you closed your eyes, you whispered, "I'm in love with you, Bell."

He smiled, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear and whispered, "I'm in love with you too." But you had already fallen asleep, breathing his scent, that you loved.

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