[nom de plume]

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noms de plume 
1. pen name
2. a fictitious name; especially

if i ever leave i could learn to miss you, but "sentimental boy" is my nom de plume.


before they knew it, the cold weather of the season had unexpectedly made it's mark upon the east.

josh, my god josh, he was dressed in the loveliest white flowy dress. his curly blonde hair had turned into his natural raven brown. his shoes were a cute pair of white vans.

(don't make that joke ;))

the lighter brunette, however, was dressed in the most gorgeous suit, with a white bow tie. some complemented black vans as well.


the boys were at their park, after getting some glasses of hot cocoa, and tyler had begun to get shaky.

"what's up, tybunny?" josh asks, grabbing his palm.

"nothing, beautiful."

he admires the ancient mark of "t.j + j.d" on the tree. his heart swelled.

it was time.

"hey ty..?"

his nerves shook more, with the leading question. "yes?"

"sing to me?" he sighs in relief, and replies 'of course'.

"placing a smile, at the perfect event, gracing your skin with the side of my hand.." he starts.

looking at his love adoringly, the elder of the two stopped. "baby?"

the petite boy hummed in response, looking at some daisies.
"marry me?"

josh whipped his head back so fast, the other was surprised it didn't cause an instant migraine.

he swallowed a bit, obviously unprepared for this question.

"ah-" he glanced at tyler, with hands going as if earthquakes, josh placed them on his boyfriend's cheeks.

he just stares for a minute or so, the other's anxiety causing him to crumble. the recently raven-haired boy sits himself on tyler's lap.

"did you ever, in your right mind, think i'd ever say no?" he questions without losing his gaze. tyler looks at anything but his love, and shrugs.

josh pulls his head to the point they were so close their lips were almost touching. "of course, you idiot," he giggled.

that sweet, honey giggle.


his mom looked at tyler with a kind of love that dazzled josh.

her son was doing all right. 

nom de plume 🌹 tysh [✔]Where stories live. Discover now