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the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.


josh spends his time gracing a thin paintbrush.

smiling, he places a small delicate, frail little tree onto the white canvas.

it was skinny, just a bit bigger than the actual paintbrush.

"hey love," tyler entered the room, taking off his shirt, as it was burning alive outside.

"wHy dONt you have the ac on??"
"hm, i didn't need it. how's your day at work?" the boy looks up, seeing his boyfriends body glistening in sweat. 

"alright, how was yours?" the brunette peers over and sees josh's little tree, a simple black in color.

"i wanted to talk to you," josh sighs, worried of the outcome.

"i'm taking up a modeling career, and i already applied for some headshots and things like that, you can be with me on this, or against me. like earlier. my choice, and i'm doing it," he said standing up for himself.



tyler tilts his head so he was looking him in the eyes, "okay."

"do it, pumpkin."

the boy's face contours into the happiest smile he'd done in what seemed like forever.


his boyfriend chuckles and then runs a hand through his brown hair.

"i might work as a photographer, my art hasn't been selling well recently. it could be fun."

josh nods his head in excitement. 

it could be fun.


josh had gotten a few rejection letters already, but he was still determined.

he reached his hand into his mailbox, grabbed about two letters and returned inside.

dear joshua dun, one letter reads.

we regret to inform you..

he didn't read the rest.

opening another, it reads the title of the job he'd been hoping.

he crosses his fingers and reads softly to himself.

hello mr. joshua dun!

we saw your lovely shots and would be honored if you joined us!
call us if you're interested in the offer.


-regional at beauty

the blonde gasps in happiness, and quickly calls his momma.

this could be fun.


once he told tyler, he insisted on going out for celebration.

they got ice cream.

the smiled.

they laughed.

"where's it at?"

"hm? oh just a couple of miles from here, no biggie."

"okay, darling."

suddenly, tyler throws a piece of his pie at his petal, grinning from his anguish.

"okay it is ON!!"

"like donkey kong," the brunette adds.

josh grabs a huge chunk of his pumpkin pie, licks some whipped cream off and throws it at his boyfriend.


the other just smirks and shoves the whole rest of his pie in his love's face. he smiles.

the waitress from the diner they were at comes by, laughs and then leaves.

the feminine boy just throws his whole pie as well, along with his chocolate milk. he giggles and says, "i dare you to walk up there and pay like this."

"deal, but if i do i get to eat that pie of your face."


the older of the two grins in triumph as he prances to the counter and pulls out his brown leather wallet.

once he exits the diner, arms linked together with josh's, tyler has determination caked onto his pieface.

"here thyne joshua, tis my duty to clean your face of this," he makes a noise, "filth."

"ty, you just made this weirder than you had to."

"oh well too late."

the brunette just shrugs and kisses josh with a passion one could only describe whilst having pie on their faces.

instead of his average chocolate milk, the blonde tasted like the fall, and the sweet pumpkin laced within the pie's flavor.

tyler tasted of a soft orange and pumpkin, which sounds kinda gross but josh envied it. he couldn't taste his best friend enough.

the boy wraps his pale arms around tyler's tan ones, getting pie on his shirt.

the taller rests his hands on josh's salmon colored shirt, around his hips. he grips a little more when passion flows through the two of them.

"congratulations on the job, baby."


ugh i am sorry i didnt make this 1k words like usual.

i guess the ending didnt make too much sense uGH

but guess what?????????

nom de plume only has like two chapters left :)) they arent written yet but i know it's coming to an end soon.

im gonna be so sad when this ends and i plan a sequel but it probably won't come up soon after i end this.

this is my first highly successful book and ilove and hateit to bits but at the same time when i first started reading (i dont do this anymore) i only read complete ones so i hope itll get me more recognition.

although i dont deserve the recognition i already have.


stay safe everyone: 1-800-273-8255❤ you're loved. you're special, talk to me if you need to vent or just need someone to listen. i'll give my best advice.

-regina anD tHe lUmINEers anD nOThing bUt THiEveS

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