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A tear rolled down my face as hugged my best friend tightly. "Violet, I am going to miss you so much you dork, don't you dare forget me" said the muffled voice belonging to Luna, a sob escaping from her mouth. "I could never forget my best friend, we are buddies for life" I answered her. We were standing on my front porch, looking back at my old home one last time, my parents loading up furniture and boxes into a van behind us while my brother was practising some ball tricks. "Promise to text me every day okay? And I want pictures of your new home, and hot boys, and Baltimore and.." I cut my friend off, saying "I will take pictures and videos of everything, and as soon as thanksgiving arrives, you are more than welcome to spend it in our new house". She nodded eagerly and hugged me once more. My mom came up to us and gave Luna a hug as well, telling her to come by soon. Easier said than done though, when you're moving from San Diego to Baltimore. It would be a 4 hour flight and I knew that neither Luna or her family had the money to buy plane tickets, meaning it would take a while before we would see each other again. I wasn't scared of making friends, I had loads. The only one that really relates to me is Luna.

"We really need to leave sweetie" Mom told me. I could hear from her voice how sorry she was for making me move across the country, but I know she had no choice. Her boss gave her no choice but to take the job. Luna stood up from the steps of my porch as I got into the car and she came up to the window. Next to me in the car my little brother Tristan took his seat. Although we didn't have a good relationship most of the time, he was acting decent for once, because he knew how difficult this was for me. I put in my earphones, music was my biggest love, nothing, not even moving to the other side of the country could change that.

Slowly we drove off, on our way to a new life.


Okay so here it is! the story you've al been waiting for (yeah probably not but i am an  overdramatic little shit and like to pretend). It will get better the further we go into it, i promise Okay so little background info: I've never written a book before and have no clue how to cause i tend to start projects and not finish them. Yeah, oops. I am open to any suggestions on the plot, and also excuse all my grammar/ sentence structure mistakes. English is my second language and im trying really hard to improve it but that's an ongoing process. The boys will be in from next chapter onwards :)

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