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Outfit in external.

I woke up at around 6am and saw my baby girl still asleep. I smiled, she sleeps the whole night, yes! I walked out the room and downstairs, Michael was sat drinking coffee.

"What's up?" I asked him, he's Michael Clifford there is no way he'd want to be up at 6am.

"My mum and dad have kicked me out." He replied placing the warm cup down, he ran his hand through his messy hair and sighed.

"What? Why?" I asked shocked.

"They don't care, Sky. They don't give two fucks about me! When we came home from tour I walked home! I was greeted by nobody! I have no family that care!!" He exclaimed, tears ran from his cheeks and I instantly moved to hug him.

"Sh, don't cry. please don't cry. You don't deserve to cry Mikey." I told him, he hid his face in my shoulder and I rubbed his back. I hushed him quietly and he muttered something inaudible.

"What was that sorry?" I asked him.

"I said, I hope Rylee isn't mine cause I'd be a crappy dad like my own." Michael said wiping his tears, I sat next to him and put my hand on his leg in the comforting way.

"Michael you'd be a great dad, or if you're not, you'd be a great uncle." I assured him and he smiled.

"Thank you Skyla." He whispered.

"It's OK Michael." I whispered back. The post box went and I went to get it, I searched through the letters and then saw the DNA test pack. I sighed and walked in to the kitchen, I put the package down on the counter and Michael looked at me.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Michael told me.

"I know you boys want to know so I'll do if for the dad's sake." I told him and he nodded.

"What do you need to do?" He asked, I opened it and read the letter thing.

"Not drink or eat for at least 4 hours." I told him and he laughed, drinking his coffee.

"Then I have to run a swab along your tongue then put it in the bag. I have to do the same with the other boys and with Rylee." I told him and he nodded.

"I'll text the boys and tell them not to eat for four hours and once they haven't to come over here." He told me and I nodded. Soon Rylee started crying and I went to get her but Michael beat me to it. He brought her down while talking to her in a baby voice.7

"I need to fee her but I can't, do you think if I do the thing now, it'd be OK?" I asked Michael and he nodded.

"Yeah." He smiled, I nodded and grabbed the swab and Michael held Rylee as I tried to attach her saliva.

"Come on." I muttered before running it over her tongue, Michael held her still and I pulled it away before putting it in the jar and writing 'Baby' on it. I smiled at her and she smiled back, Michael sat on the couch talking to her, which made me smile.

At about 1pm the boys came around, once they were all here I began taking their DNA. I did Calum first because he looked like he didn't even want to be here. I made him take his own one because he's my ex and I think he dislikes me. I put his swab in the tube before writing 'Calum dad #1' on it.

I walked him out and before he left he turned to me. "If that baby is mine, I don't care. And how long till the results are back?" He asked.

"Sure. I wouldn't want you as her dad anyway. And it will be about a week." I told him and he nodded before walking off. I walked back in and went to take Ash's DNA.

"Lol, that tickled." Ashton laughed after I took the swab from his mouth, I put it in the tube and wrote 'Ashton dad #2' on it, he smiled and said goodbye to Rylee before walking out of the house. I turned to Luke who was already wiping the swab over his mouth. He placed it in the tube and wrote 'Lucas :) dad #3' on it making me laugh.

"Lucas?" I asked.

"Fle Fle." He replied before hugging me and kissing Rylee's head and leaving. I turned to Michael who was asleep on the couch with Rylee asleep on his chest. (LIKE ON SIDE-oh em gee I love it when you see that it's so cute!!!!!!! sorry...) I laughed and picked up Rylee before shaking Michael, he woke up fairly quickly and I smiled.

"Your turn." I smiled holding the swab.

"You do it." He replied rubbing his eyes tiredly, I nodded and put Rylee down on the chair next to me. He opened his mouth and I took his saliva before I put it in the tube and wrote his name and dad number 4. I stared at his green eyes and he stared at mine, I never actually noticed how good looking Michael was till now, his eyes are just...WOW.

I soon found myself leaning in and Michael didn't seem to stop me, his hand cupped my cheek and I pressed my lips against his. None of my past kisses were like this, his lips moved slow against mine and he took every second to make the precise movements, I moved so I was straddling his waist to get a better angle.

His tongue ran across my bottom lip and I parted my lips slightly, he slipped in and our tongue fought for dominance, his won obviously and I got so caught up in the kiss I didn't even notice my dad and Tara had both walked into the room.

We only realised they were there when my dad 'coughed'. I pulled away and looked at my dad.

"Uh...I...Can Michael stay for a while, he needs somewhere to stay." I asked and my dad nodded.

"Of course, just no sex when I'm here." My dad laughed and I flushed a bright red.

"DAD!" I exclaimed before climbing off Michael. I stuck the package with all the DNA swabs in and put it in the post box. I walked back in and smiled at Michael, he smiled back and I sat next to him.

We spent the whole day together watching TV, playing with Rylee and eating pizza or playing video games. Heaven :)

A/N: hey!!

Thoughts on Myla? Or is it Sichael?? xx

Thanks xx

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