Chapter 7: In Europe

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The boys and I went to the airport to get on our private plane to go to Europe to perform.

"Come on guys let's go to Europe I am really excited to go" I replied with excitement.

"Okay babe just try to calm down" Nick answered

When the guys and I went on the plane I got to sit beside Nick and Nick sitting next to me and my cousin Brian while Everleigh was sitting on my lap and we got a couple of photos taken. Brian and Nick are like the Bobbsey twins by doing pranks and being funny and that's how they got their nicknames, Frick and Frack. I was reading a book and listening to music while Everleigh was sleeping beside me. 

"Hey babe what are you reading?" Nick asked

"Oh I am reading The Sight its a really good book," I answered

"Oh that's cool babe and what kind of music are you listening to?" Nick asked

"I am listening to Michael Jackson Remember the time" I answered as I looked at Nick

"May I listen to it" Nick offered to listen

"Of course you can babe here you go" I answered as I gave him one earphone and I got a little bit closer to Nick and laying on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me.

Hours later I was asleep on Nick when we were about to land in Europe.

"Jess, wake up we're here in Germany," Nick whispered

"Hm, Nick where are we. Why did we stop?" I asked while I was waking up stretching and yawning.

"We are in Germany in Europe and we have stopped because we are going to get to our hotel room as well" Nick answered

"Okay, where is everyone else?" I asked

"They've got out and they are in a car waiting for us so let's go" Nick answered

I nodded as I got my bag and I was about to carry Everleigh but Nick grabbed Everleigh and carried her to the car behind me. The guys and I drove off to our hotel, then we made it to the hotel and we got a room. Nick Everleigh and I have a room together until Nick and I went to bed.

(Hey guys this is another chapter that I have done. I want to thank you all so much I am in Auckland for the Armageddon. So please enjoy this book I will be doing the next chapter maybe tomorrow. So peace out)

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