Chapter 5: SeaWorld Performance

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It's May 8th 1994 the boys and I went to Sea World here in Orlando to perform. When we got to SeaWorld I saw someone who liked familiar which it's my mom she came to see me, Brian and Kevin.

"Jess your here" my mom replied 


"Jess are you okay?" Nick asks

"Nick. My mom is here!" I answered while I am in shock and freaking out

"Your mom?" Nick replied

"Yes and she is standing right there" I replied and showed Nick my mom while I was shocked

"Um hi Mrs Jess's mom I'm Nick Jess's boyfriend" Nick replied 

"Oh hello Nick how are you?" my mom asked

"I'm good" Nick answered

"Mom what are you doing here?" I asked. My mom sighs as she explains everything to me why she is here in Orlando.

"Your father and I have decided to visit you and your two cousins here to see how you guys are doing that's all, besides I am wanting to see your child too." my mom explained

"Oh mom this is Nick my boyfriend and this is Everleigh our daughter" I answered and showing my mom Nick and Everleigh

"W-Wait Nick is your b-boyfriend" my mom replied and she is in shock

"Yeah he is" I answered

I explained everything to my mom and she's okay with me having a boyfriend. I gave my mom Everleigh while me Nick and the other Backstreet Boys are about to go inside SeaWorld and do the behind the scenes and do the performance. We had our first performance and we sang our first two songs "Tell Me That I'm Dreamin'" and "I've Got To Get It". A few months later after our first performance at SeaWorld the guys and I went back to the studio and recorded Tell Me That I'm Dreamin' and we did get photoshoot for the cover than we performed it in New York and we had a celebration for it. We sang it Acapella and we were also celebrating our friends anniversary and gave them a gift which is a puppy that Brian brought out but I brought the puppy myself so they loved it which I am happy for them. Than we began to tour schools across the U.S. including Brian and my former school Tates Creek High School, building a fan base while trying to get a record deal nearly signed us in 1993, but the deal fell through at the last minute because longtime Mercury recording artist threatened to leave the label if we got in a boy band business. However, in February 1994, Jeff Fenster (then senior Zomba/JIVE Records) and David Renzer (then senior VP of Zomba Music Publishing) caught us performing at a high school in Cleveland, and signed us to our first record deal.

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