---Chapter 13---

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I watch Moose blush as he got on my back. Nothing to see here. Just a teen riding a dragon. I think as I get a few glances from others. I slowly rise into the air, being careful not to make Moose fall or startle him. "Go higher." He whispers to me. I shift my wings and we're about 50 feet in the air. Moose looks to the side. "Whoa..." He muttered. I spotted the house. "Moose, hold on tight." I say over my shoulder. Moose wraps his arms around my neck and I dive down. I open my wings and land.  Moose jumps off and opens the door. I shift and run after Moose. I ran inside and sit on the couch, and Moose follows. "Can you sing again?" He asks shyly. I nod and think of a song. "I can sing a little bit of Disturbia by Rhianna." I say. He nods slightly. I take a deep breath. "Throw on your break lights We're in the city of wonder, Ain't gonna play nice. Watch out, you might just go under .Better think twice, Your train of thought will be altered, So if you must falter be wise Your mind is in Disturbia, It's like the darkness is the light, Disturbia." I finish after minute.


Yes, this was a REALLY short chapter. I'm taking a break so I can start writing properly again. Or I can try again and finish this one and start a new one.  

':'Hybrid':' {Under Rewrite}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant