---Chapter 4---

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---Skylar's POV---

I wait in the kitchen for them to walk in. Just as Shark looks into the kitchen, I lean against the counter and say 'Boo'. Shark (somehow) got scared and screamed. "YOU SAID NO ONE WAS GOING TO SCARE ME!" Shark yelled at Nathan. "He didn't thinks so. But things change." I shrug and walk into the couch. I sit opposite of Moose.

(S=Skylar, M=Moose, 09-Shark, SH=Sabre, N=Nathan)

S-Heya. Shark is so easy to scare.

M-Yeah he really is.



M-You look cute over there 😍

(Sky blushes and mouths 'Thank you' at Moose)

S-I'm going on a walk.

M-I'll come too.

(Sky and Moose get up and go outside)

---Moose's POV---

We walked outside. It was a nice, warm sunny day. Sky stops at her car to grab her aviators. "I got to have these if we walk outside." Sky calls from in her car. She has the best looking Lambo i've ever seen, I thought. I wasn't jealous. My car is good too. Sky got out of her car and closed the door. OH MY LORD. She looks so sexy with those aviators, I thought a little mischievously. We were about to go to the sidewalk, but the dragon she shot yesterday was back. And it was PISSED. It dove at me, and I didn't know how to react. My first instinct was to protect Sky, but she was already running towards me. She tackled me, and the dragon hit the concrete a few feet from us. She helped me up. What I saw next shocked me. I looked over at Sky, and she had a BLUE AURA AROUND HER. It got so thick and bright, I had to look away. I looked back seconds later. Sky was gone, and in her place, there was a Night Fury.


The only reason this chapter is short is because I wanted a cliffhanger.

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