
Sirius awoke that day, as he did every day, to the familiar sound of birds cheeping outside his window. Slowly, he blinked open his eyes to meet the blinding light that was spilling through his window. Once his eyes had adjusted, he looked around the room. He wasn't sure why he did it, he knew the room better than the back of his hand. And yet, he always did it, perhaps subconsciously hoping for something new to show itself. But no, as always, it was the same old room he had woken up to every day of his life.

Sighing, Sirius sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, before lifting himself up out of his warm blankets. The sensation of standing up too quickly overcame him, and he swayed a moment or two on the spot to rid himself of it. Once back to normal, Sirius dressed, and, after washing his face in the basin, made his way out of the house and headed towards the market as he did every Saturday morning.

The sound of the birds tweeting grew quieter as they were outdone by the rowdy sound of the market. Bells around the necks of cattle echoed throughout the village, while salesmen and women shouted their offers. Sirius furrowed his eyebrows at this. He had no idea why they continued to announce what they were selling; it was always the same.

First, he passed the baker, carrying a large tray of loafs and buns, exactly the same as before. Then there was the fishmonger, standing behind her counter of fish upon fish. She was followed by the butcher, a large man heaving a great carving knife. Among the crowd Sirius spotted the headmaster, who was followed by about ten little boys in blue uniforms. Then he spotted Mr Frank - Sirius had never learned the man's last name - who, typically, was searching hopelessly through the crowd.

"Mr Frank. Have you lost something again?", Sirius asked, though he already knew the answer.

"I'm afraid I have. I just can't remember what it is I've lost", he mused, patting his pockets.

"I'm sure it'll come to you", Sirius replied, the same reply he always used.

"What's that you have there?", Mr Frank asked, gesturing towards the leather-bound book Sirius held in his hand.

"I'm returning it to the library. It's about a little orphan boy who's destined the save the world from a dark wizard", Sirius answered, glancing fondly at the book. Mr Frank huffed.

"Sounds boring", he sighed. Sirius only shook his head in amusement, before turning on his heel and making a beeline for the library he knew so well.

Stepping inside, Sirius heard the familiar bell ring out above his head as the door swung open. The shop was small, but really, it had no need to be any bigger; Sirius was the only villager who visited the place. There were a few bookshelves, as many as could fit inside the room. Though the shelves were not full; Sirius had read every book that was there at least three times over. In one corner of the room, halfway up a wooden ladder, was the librarian, who smiled at the sight of Sirius.

"You read that quickly", he chuckled, nodding to the book in Sirius' hand.

"It's my favourite", Sirius responded, sighing wistfully.

"Well, if you like it so much then it's yours", the librarian said, while grabbing some books and climbing up the ladder again to put them in their places.

"Really?", Sirius answered, hugging the book tightly to his chest. The librarian nodded kindly, before Sirius swept out of the shop, the bell ringing once again as he left.

As he left the shop, Sirius felt all eyes of the villagers fall on him. It was safe to say they didn't entirely understand his obsession with the little library on the corner of the street, nor his obsession with the little books he brought out of there. However, Sirius was used to the odd looks the villagers threw him, and continued walking through them with his face turned down to the pages before him. Turning a corner, Sirius mentally slapped himself for taking the route which passed the dress shop. As if on cue, three pretty maidens popped up at the window, shooting daggers at him as he passed. Once they were behind him, Sirius heard them whisper and giggle to each other.

"Well, he may be handsome", he heard one say, though he knew it to be no compliment.

"But he's just so odd", he heard another one continue, before all three of them burst into a fit of giggles. Perhaps if he hadn't heard their comments every day of his life for as long as he could remember, Sirius would be offended.

Meanwhile, over in the distance, Madame Gaston sat atop her horse with a telescope in her hand. Madame Gaston was, as most of the village would say, beautiful. She was tall, and her dark locks framed her pretty face perfectly. She was certainly popular amongst the male population of the village. Though she was beautiful, Sirius saw straight through her, unlike the rest of the village. He saw the cruel, vain side of her, which no else seemed to able to see. They were all too distracted by her looks. Beside her, also atop a horse, sat her assistant, Dorcas, a small, mousy girl. She was far from ugly; however, she was certainly outshone by her comrade.

"Look at him, Dorcas", Madam Gaston sighed, handing Dorcas the telescope, "He's perfect, isn't he?". Dorcas lifted the telescope to her own eye to see the dark-haired man with a book in hand Gaston had been pining over for so long.

"Well, he may be handsome", Dorcas said, "But he's so, well read. And you're so, um, vaniteux".

"Yes, I am rather stunning, aren't I?", Madam Gaston answered, urging her horse forwards. Dorcas followed, deciding it better not to correct her translation.

"Sirius is the most handsome man in the village. And that makes him the best", Gaston continued, "I'll make him my groom, you can be certain of that".


"What do you mean you'll never marry me?", Madame Gaston groaned, affronted. Gaston had taken it upon herself to give Sirius a visit, uninvited, as usual. She now stood on his doorstep, trying her best to keep the door between them open just a little longer.

"I meant what I said, Madame", Sirius replied, backing through the door of his house, "I will never marry you, I'm sorry". Sirius finished his sentence by slamming the door shut before Gaston could force her way in. He didn't let go of the door handle until he was sure she had left.

Behind him, Sirius heard a chuckle. Turning on his heel, Sirius rolled his eyes at his hysterical brother, who's amusement had distracted him from his work.

"It's not that funny", Sirius huffed, folding his arms.

"Oh, but it is", Regulus answered, finally calming down and turning back to his work.

"Can you imagine? Me? The husband of her", Sirius groaned, collapsing on a nearby chair, "Monsieur Gaston? Can't you just see it?". Regulus shook his head in disgust.

"I want adventure, Regulus", Sirius continued, "Everything here is always the same". Regulus, who had heard this from Sirius countless times before, simply shook his head in sympathy. Silence fell upon the pair for a while, before Sirius broke it again.

"Regulus, do you think I'm odd?". Regulus looked up from his work, puzzled.

"My brother? Odd?", he answered.

"The villagers. They talk", Sirius said, staring fixatedly at his lap.

"Only I am allowed to call you odd", Regulus said, earning a chuckle from his brother. "This is a small town, Sirius. Small minded. But small, also means safe". Sirius sighed.

"I'm going to head upstairs", he said, while Regulus nodded in response.

Sirius climbed the rickety stairs up to his bedroom, where he placed his book upon his bedside table and made the bed which he had forgotten to do earlier that morning. Then, he made his way over to the window, and pushed open the wooden shutters, letting in a cool breeze.

Leaning against the window ledge, Sirius allowed his gaze to scan over the village, and fall upon the tall hill surrounded by green fields and trees on the distance. Sirius wondered what lay ahead of those fields, behind those trees; if there were just more villages like his, or if there were new, unexplored lands. He recalled parts of the book he had placed on his bedside; of an old, enchanted castle, filled with mystery and adventure. Reeling himself back from his thoughts, Sirius sighed. There was no enchanted castle beyond the distance, besides, he was stuck in a small, enclosed village; he'd never find one even if there was.

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