"Relax, it's hot chocolate." Alexander tells her with a wink. She takes the cup and takes a sip. "With a shot of espresso." Alexander adds. She laughs, but continues to sip from the steaming cup.

"I swear Gary wants us dead. How come they got to leave yesterday afternoon?" Jack asks. I see him now sprawled out on the floor.

"Get up, moron." Leven tells him with a scowl. Jack crawls over by where she is sitting and grabs onto her foot, pulling her onto the ground with him. Leven lightly punches him in the arm while laughing. "You are so stupid." She says.

I notice a group of girls giggling between each other just a couple of rows of seats away. They all hold copies of the Hunger Games.

Jack catches me looking at them and stares in the same direction.

"If they expect me to sign that-"

"Shut up, Jack!" Dayo tells him. "Just because you're tired doesn't mean you have to be rude."

Jack takes a newspaper off of one of the tables and wads it up, beaming Dayo in the side of the head. Dayo quickly gets up and tackles Jack to the ground, who screams like a girl.

We all know that they are just joking around, but I'm afraid other people may take it seriously. No one else seems to notice, though.

Dayo pulls himself up in a chair and has his arm locked loosely around Jack's neck. They literally do this all the time. I don't think they go a day without trying to kill each other.

"Tap out!" Dayo tells Jack firmly. Jack wheezes and tries to scramble out of his grasp.

"Never!" he squeaks out. His face is beginning to turn red. I almost fall out of my seat from laughing so hard.

"Ross, party of 7. Ross, party of 7." One of the gate workers calls out.

"That's us." Jackie states, gathering her bags. I guess Gary made our reservations in his name.

The seven of us collect our bags and walk up to the counter. We hand the attendant out boarding passes and put a tag on our bags. We have the whole first class section to ourselves, so it really doesn't matter what seat number we got.

I walk down the jetway behind Alexander and get aboard the plane. I take a left into the first class cabin and set my duffle bag in the overhead.

Jack takes a window seat, and Jackie sits beside him. Leven and Amandla take another row together. Dayo sits in the back row of the first class, saying that he plans on getting some sleep. I quickly make up my mind and sit beside Alexander.

"Thanks." He says as I sit beside him. "I might get lonely."

I roll my eyes and pull out my iPod. I take the tangled earbuds and plug them into the device.

Alexander takes the iPod out of hands.

"You can't use those until we are at 10,00 feet." He says with a smirk. I scowl at him.

"The plane isn't even boarded yet. We won't leave for like another thirty minutes." I answer. I reach for it, but he holds it up over his head. Now I definitely can't reach it.

"But I'm bored and I can't talk to you if you have your earphones in." He says with a fake pout.

I roll my eyes and stop trying to reach for it. I see him grin out of the corner of my eyes.

"So, what would you like to talk about Mr. Ludwig?" I ask with fake sincerity.

"I don't know, what would you like to talk about Miss Fuhrman?" he asks as he props his chin on his hand.

I open my mouth to say something but am interrupted by a flight attendant. She stands at the front of the first class area and puts on a wide smile.

"Hi, I will be gladly attending to you for today's flight. It is the captain's request that I give you all a 'thank you' basket for choosing to fly with us. If any of you need anything, please let me know." She says. She smiles so big that I think her face may crack.

I hear other people beginning to board the plane. The flight attendant comes back out with numerous baskets in her arms and sets one beside each of us.

I can see that the basket is packed with all kinds of snacks and food. That was nice of them.

The attendant passes out headphones to all of us and goes back into the regular cabin to attend to the other passengers. The captain's voice rings out throughout the plane as he states that the doors will be closing soon.

Minutes pass and I can hear the shutting of the doors and the plane pulling out of the gate.

"On behalf of all the employees on the flight today we would like to thank the cast of the Hunger Games for flying with us. I hope you all enjoy your flight." The captain says over the intercom.


You can hear the tiny squeals and the shuffling of feet as apparent fans try to get into the first class area. The flight attendant rushes back into view and closes the curtain so others can't come through. This wouldn't have happened if the pilot didn't say anything.

The plane takes a sudden lurch forward as begins speeding down the runway. I grip onto my seat, not expecting us to be taking off right away. I feel ourselves being lifted into the ground as the plane takes flight.

I hear Alexander laugh beside me and loosen my grip on the seat. I glare at him, and he starts to laugh more. I smile and hit him in the side of the arm. He clutches it, pretending that I actually hurt him.

I hear Jackie start to laugh a few seats up ahead. Jack must have told her another lame joke.

An alert signals through the plane, letting us know that we can use electronic devices. I reach for my iPod sitting in Alexander's lap, but he grabs it an holds it up.

"Xander!" I whine. He smiles and lowers it.

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to watch a movie." He says, pointing to the small television screen in front of us. I agree, and set my iPod in my pocket.

I take a pair of the headphones that the attendant gave us and plug them in. Alexander does the same before turning the small movie screen on.

He touches different buttons on the screen, scrolling through the different movies. I see him click on a movie and watch the information on it pop up. The Hangover.

I pull my headphones out of my wars and Alexander does the same.

"What?" he asks innocently.

"We are definitely not watching that." I say with a laugh.

"Oh come on. It's great!"

"It's the dumbest movie ever." I tell him. He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Have you ever actually seen it?" he asks.

"Oh um. Bits and pieces. Never the whole thing." I say, biting my lip.

Alexander groans. "You have to watch the whole thing!"

I roll my eyes and click for the movie to play. Just as I do, our attendant appears with a drink cart.

"Can I get you two anything?" she asks with a smile.

"I would like a coke, and so would this one here." Alexander answers for me. "And do you have any popcorn, by chance?"

"We do, actually!" she says before prancing back. I look at him, and he laughs.

The attendant comes back out and hands us a bag of the white cheddar popcorn. She gives each of us a small glass of coke before going back to see if Dayo wanted anything. His snores answer the question immediately.

I put my earphones back in and pay attention to the movie. It actually is really funny. I find myself laughing at it literally every five minutes.

I must fall asleep as soon as the end credits appear. Because whenever I hear the pilot say that we will be landing soon, I wake up with my head against Xander's shoulder.

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