Chapter 14: The Battle

Start from the beginning

Eloise nodded, "They forced me to drink a sleeping potion so that I wouldn't be able to escape. I think they believe I will turn into a dragon and fly away." She held the blanket tighter around herself, "They know nothing of dragons."

"Then you really are a half-breed? How could I not have known? Why didn't you tell me? Did our friendship mean nothing to you that you would lie to me and my family? All the while you were spying on me." Eva stared at the girl she recognized as her best friend but very well knew nothing about this stranger in the next cell.

"It wasn't like that. Even though he was human, my father was an elder among Daeron's people. He developed a sickness after I was born. The dragon's blood he was given after a while only lessened the pain he felt. Daeron did not wish for me to grow as an orphan with the Draki so he sent both myself and my father away to Esos in hopes that there would be a better life for me here. He was right." 

Eloise shuffled a bit looking around before continuing to whisper, "Half-breeds are uncommon among dragons. Usually when a dragon mates with a human their offspring are full blooded dragons. The dragon side is more dominant. To be only half and have no ability to shift is a laughing matter amongst the Draki. Daeron felt great care for my family and wanted me to be safe."

Eloise sighed and sat against the bars that separated their cells, "Daeron knew your family would keep me safe and he loves you, Eva. He couldn't very well approach your father for a suit while Reginald was still living. Your father hated dragons, Eva. It was rumored the Draki killed your grandfather and attempted to assassinate your grandmother along with the Seer, Lucinda. Daeron had hoped your brother, as a new King, would put those prejudices aside, especially after..." Eloise's' voice trailed off and blushed thinking back on her time with Thomas.

Eva collapsed next to Eloise a puff of dust exploding around them causing both girls to cough and giggle at the mess, "I knew you and Thomas were meeting in secret."

Gasping Eloise stared up at her friend, "How did you know?"

Laughing Eva clutched her friend's hand tightly through the bars, "Months ago, Thomas asked Mama for the ring father had given her when they became betrothed. I was listening in on them and heard him tell Mama that he was forgoing the obligation for him to marry a princess or lady from court. Mama was a baron's daughter of lower standing and she understood the need for secrecy. I didn't tell you because I wanted you to tell me yourself. I knew you would in your own time."

Eloise groaned, "I had no idea. You must think me an idiot. Though now it won't matter. I am to be beheaded for treason in a few hours."

Eva looked around her cell, "Not if I have anything to say about it. Do you have any hair pins?" Feeling her hair Eva groaned, damn you, Henry Greer, for removing them.

"No, they removed them. I imagine they believe us great escape artists now." Eloise chuckled and shuddered as a cold gust of wind blew in through the windows.

"Karon's Seer... is she powerful?" Eva bit her lip thinking back to when she first met Lucinda.

Eloise shuddered remembering Notia, "I believe so. It is said she drinks dragon's blood to remain immortal. I do not believe her to be a true Seer. I have heard of Seers who do evil and the gods turn their backs on them, shrouding their visions in darkness. It is a curse to any Seer who cannot see their or anyone's future, thus their powers dwindle and they die. If she does truly drink the blood of dragons, I pray for their souls. To have your blood drunk by one who is cursed by the gods is to lead a life of agony and quick death."

"How do you know all this?" Eva whispered back to her friend.

"When my family lived on the Draki island, Lucinda taught me many things to keep me occupied. I was constantly being picked on by the other Draki children. Lucinda took me under her wing and would say I had great promise in the magical arts. I sent fire to her cottage five times before I realized she was lying." Eloise chuckled, "She is an amazing woman. I learned much during my time with her."

Destiny:  Book 1 of the Draki Series (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now